Undeterred Somali pirates hijack 4 more ships
They seriously need to allow these ships to arm themselves.
I’d love to know how the conversation went with the 4th pirate on board the Navy ship “negotiating” for the captains release after his buddies were shot.
OH HAY… we have a little update for you…
Paging navy seals
i dont see why not. merchant class ships should be allowed to either a) arm themselves or b) employ a trained security force that can combat hijackings.
Hell, I would apply.
Somali pirates vow to kill American sailors
my guess is 4-6 months and we will be in Somalia bombing or being the international police again.
No, a new democrat-party president would never jump into a situation as fucked up as Somalia.
^ Fuck, they are using RPGs now. Damn you Russia for making efficient cheap weapons that even the poorest nations can afford.
lol, stupid fucks attacked a ship that was giving them food aid. Fine then, starve.
That is the entertaining part :lol:
Wow I never would have thought Rush would be against sniping of pirates to rescue an American.
You know I’m somewhat on the conservative side of the spectrum…but I’ve never liked him.
I think we need to train the US ships on “grids” or something and use laser GPS stuff and use them long range guns on the pirates.
I’m pretty sure just getting close with some of the shells our destroyers shoot would be enough to make them head for shore.
My avatar, although a battleship, we don’t have any in service anymore, gives a picture of a full broad side, just imagine what that looks like when it pops on the receiving end, or even having the fuse set to pop 500 yards above the suspected pirates
I’m amazed these ships aren’t able to arm themselves. It is absurd. Give the ships armed guards and watch the pirates back off immediately.
Has this always been a problem? I don’t recall hearing about pirates prior to last month and now it’s like every day there is a new ship being taken.
Almost like two years ago when I started hearing about Mexican illegal immigrants and before that I didn’t hear anything about it, ever. Now, it’s a daily conversation and it’s always in my face.
It’s been a problem for a long time. I would imagine since at least the early 90’s when Somalia last had a functioning government.
Although it’s not just near the Gulf of Aden. Happens off the coast of South America too.
Still, it was not clear how this plan could cover the 1,900-mile Somali coastline, since his government controls only a few square blocks of the capital, Mogadishu, with the aid of African peacekeepers.
“I am Prime Minister of this building and this building and that building. Let me introduce you to the chairman of the third floor. We run Somalia, lulz.”
Don’t shoot the white ones!
yea where the hell is the video of that. i saw video of the pirates getting skull-capped on the news and i cant find it on the interwebz=(