Yea, I'm chaning my wheel color as well. Help me pick it?

just paint the bitches. Save money.

:wow :wow :wow :wow :wow :wow

only 15 sets were made. BALLER! I want that finish!

go blue haha ;D

Negative on the media blast. Chem strip Chem strip Chem strip. Especially if you have any intention of a metallic coating(blast surface = rough = dull metallic)

And paint > powercoat all day long.

He’s spoken :wow

Actually I think I got all of my anti-PC material from you in my ‘I’m going to paint my wheels’ thread.

Thanks :lol


you talk about vip, bippu, etc all the time, why waste any time money paint non-dished, non-concaved wheels with pussy ass offsets, just keep them as is, save up some money and do what you always drool after, its not expensive, low offsets are so in now a days that even replica companies make wheels in aggressive fitments. no matter what color you choose you are just going to blend in.

:lmao :lmao

i’m amussing when i’m drunk, cause i just don’t care…now only if i had more liquor, time to check.

keep drinking!

i thought soda blasting would be okay because it wont eat away the surface like sand blasting will, ya know? what do you use for chem strip? like aircraft grade paint stripper or something?

These are daily/winter wheels right now, so i figure i’ll make em a bit nicer and then alter on get some nice dishes on the car for summer wheels. What fitment do you think should be right up to the fender? negative offset?

Laquer thinner will work just dandy.

:rofl @ aircraft grade always meaning “the best evar.”

Open a window, for the love of God.
That stuff SMELLS and you can instantly feel your brain cells dying.




The smell is your skin melting. Wear gloves.

haha, well, i mentioned it because i used a product called that. it comes in a spray can. i was using it to take that black paint off my valve cover on my eclipse. it works great. it ate thru two pairs of gloves i wore and got on my skin. i gotta say, its the weirdest feeling ever. its hot and cold at the same time! i dont think i was high from huffing it accidentally, but i could have been. i WAS kinda close to it when i sprayed it on, but i did do it outside. unlike the one time when i was reupholstering the headlinder and didnt open the garage door. needless to say the 45 minutes spent in an eclosed space in 90 degree heat and full of spray glue fumes took its toll. but only about 40 minutes later! i was driving to my friend’s house in east greenbush and by the time i got to the halfway point, the shit kicked in. i was seeing rainbow trails after all the road signs. i was all like :ohnoes and drove speed limit +1mph and kept turning my head all around to watch for cops. i figured if i see one, ill just pull over. they cant give me a ticket for driving high if im not driving. totally not doing that shit again! :lol

The non spray works better

Make use it in a small enclosed garage with all the doors and windows shut and then do all you painting in the same afternoon using your t shirt as a mask.

I got laid once that way. it was really good too :banana

I was so messed up I drank my face off got more messed up and woke up at 5 am having sex. I think Ap1 nick passed out under my fooseball table that night

who did u wake up having sex with? :ohnoes