Went to buckin’ buffalo saloon last night for southern rock night. Umm, very good times, great bands, and no fucking RAP music to be found anywhere.
Lots of bikes too if ur into that id def check it out, every weds night, free food, drinks are a bit, but what do u expect downtown, free admission, and a free ride on that mechanical buffalo thingie. (and no my fat ass was not getting on it)
ohh yeah, no kiddies there either, prolly the best idea ever was to open this place, let the kiddies hang on chip
Its also going to be good to see Darcys go next month for the blues and BBQ place, cant wait, its like a dinosaur in buffalo…lol
I heard they were turning Darcy’s into a Dsaur? No truth to that I guess.Did ya get your PM?
how was the female situation down there? :gotme:
not dinosaur but something like it.
no young girls if thats what ur asking. i mean no 18 year olds or anything like that.
D i didnt get any message from you, please resend.
that would be awesome if a dinosaur bbq comes to buffalo
dinosaur is not coming here, but from what i hear its going to be almost the same thing, prolly not as good food tho 
New BBQ place, gotta check it out. Nice find!!
I’ll be working there tonight!
hmmm i might have to check this out
yes you do…youll love it…theres so many ladies there…they will make you a happy little boy