Yes Im making another Poll and Yes im buying a new car


If you’re buying used, american is a lot better value. a newer used import is almost as much as a new one. I’d rather have more money in my pocket now than more money when i go to sell it, personally.


used american cars, with the crappy resale values, may seem like a better deal than an import when you buy the car. but you end up spending that difference on upkeep and maintenance.

I owned nothing but american cars for a good 10 years because of the “better value” when used. but i got sick of bumming rides when a water pump, starter, alternator, gaskets, trannies ect… took a shit. now i own nothing but toyotas and the maintenance nightmare has gone by the way side with the domestic cars. i just hop in and drive…and i always make it to my destination without an issue. nomore turning down the radio to investigate a noise or keeping my eyes peeled on the instrument cluster for something to go horribly wrong.

i know my experiences may differ from some of you domestic and import owners. but from my 15 years of driving vehicles of all sorts of makes and models, i am completely convinced that the japanese are doing something better than the americans when it comes to cars.