Yessssssss forza 3!!!


Expected to be released in 2009…



I’m fucking pumped, now I can wait until this comes out because I don’t feel like spending $20 on Forza 2 now (my disc broke :frowning: )

Why are you posting a rickroll link?

Because there is no trailer out yet and I clicked on it searching for one and got a laugh out of it? That’s not the point of the thread, the point is that no one was 100% about there being a Forza 3 and now they are.

Rickrolling videos ceased to be funny a long, long time ago. :gtfo
As far as it being 100% that wiki article doesn’t mean anything, and I can’t find any official announcement for it either. Maybe you should just spend that 20…

lol. I guess it’s not 100.0000%, but it’s supposedly been confirmed by a few people in Microsoft/Turn 10/whatever.;title;2

I know those are old but one of them was updated recently and there’s a few more that were updated recently.

I’ll keep my $20 for a little :smiley:


playing 2 as we speak :slight_smile:

just put 2 in earlier today. 400 cars and 100 tracks seems pretty killer.

There is no way that will fit on the 360’s DVD platform. With that amount of data it’s gotta be on a Blu-Ray. Someone is lying.

is says right in the link that its gonna be 2 discs. i think shapes wore off on u tonight.

Sick, I’m curious to see what the drag racing and drift is like…def. buying that shit!

If they cheese out the drifting and make it all super easy to drift, I’ll be heated.

Just have courses/objectives on the courses/clipping points as ‘drift mode’

Just leave the car’s handling the same for all of them, rely on suspension/chassis setup PLEASE Turn10 PLEEEEAAASSSSSSEEEE

Drag should be money though :ohnoes

Forza 1 had drag, but not a really in depth sim-like drag…just race, no r/t/trap speed etc.

Yeah that’s what I’m hoping for is that you can like set your car up with like slicks, etc. and get an ET, trap, 60ft…That would be SICK!

Yeah if the driving physics get changed (dumbed down) I would be very dissapointed.

Why in sweet hell would you want to drag race in a video game? See who can hold right trigger the longest?

It’s alot of fun, trying…I drag race in LFS all the time, it’s fun trying different chassis/suspension setups/tire pressures/then reaction time, etc.

Just as fun as hot lapping RA ::retardclap

drag racing is very fun in sim games, LFS drag racing is srs bzns, no doubt about it you have to hve your car setup perfectly and really have to know how to handle the car well when you take off, and when to shift, all that will leave you seconds behind a pro drag racer in lfs if you dont do it right ! using the same car !

forza 3 , is not new news, ofc its coming out, its going to become something like GT series, its too good to end out of no where, i can tell u right now forza 4 is coming, so what…

if you guys are dumb enuogh to even think they would change the physics in drift mode then maybe you forgot the game is a racing sim , not NFS… they dont have to change the physics in drift mode in order to record your drifting angle stats !

in forza 2 u can drift liek fucking hell its nuts, so having a mode for that would be awesome… and some tracks…

xbox is dumb for using dvd drives, they needed blue ray or hd dvd from the start… wtf

I’ma rent Forza 2 today. I never really played that game. Gona give it a whack.

its 20 bucks, buy it dude ! i bought it twice cuz my old xbox droped the disc on tray and kept spining it scratched it to hell
