Yet another awesome site


So many mods that can be used for many cars.

This is all DSM shit. Care to explain why you posted it and what makes
you think it’s of any relevance to SON’s technical section?

Eh dude if you don’t like it then dont look at it, simple as that. Oh I forgot, because your a moderator it gives you the right to an opinion about EVERYONES post. Actually all the people I have showed this page to found it quite helpful, I guess your the odd one out. I posted it because the information can be used to do other jobs on other cars. IC pressure tester, pillar gauge install, turbo rebuild, turbo comparison, turbo components and how to machine a flywheel, which you in particular needed help on. Do 240’s have a flywheel? Do DSM’s have a flywheel? Do you see the comparison?

Go ahead, lock the post because a “member” has conformed an opinion about your reply.

Nazi Moderator Crew Holla!

yes this is semi useful no it wont be stickied.

g’s right too much dsm stuff…


if you look threw the list there is alot of usefull things, like how to port turbos and manifolds which are basically the same between the 2

Meh, I thought it was pretty damn helpful. Im making a boost pressure tester off this site.

I pretty much went through the entire listing and probablly got only a
hand full of items generic enough that they’d apply to application.

Majority is still DSM which is why I made my original comment.

Oh yea, just cuz we’re mods doesn’t mean we run around the forum like
we’re king-shit. If you think that, you honestly need to pull your head out
of your ass.

Good day,

Ooh, some pretty good stuff here! And while a lot does apply to DSMs the concepts applied are, for the most part, universal.

Good deal of RX7 stuff too! :smiley: Good post. Thx.

DSM guys have been going faster for a lot longer

They also embrace ghetto/grassroots tuning, and with even a bit of common sense, you can figure out how the platforms cross. A turbo is a turbo. A TDO5H makes a T3 look like a whiny little wheezy bitch, but you can do the same to either. They also have 450cc injectors stock that we can use :smiley:

Their cars also have datalogging capabilities, and they can avoid hearsay by actually backing up their claims.

If you really want to learn where the DSM guys got all their ideas and info, check out turbo 2.2/2.5 sites, or search Gus Mahon. That is if you really aren’t interested in bling. But be warned if you’re a credit card racer … they also tend to disprove the worth of many high dollar items, and tend to stick to junkyard bits.