Yikes. Get crushed by truck tires, 2 minutes nothing

Israeli motorists ignore stricken victim


Tue May 8, 3:56 PM ET

JERUSALEM - Israeli motorists drove by a motorcycle rider lying dead on a main street for about two minutes before someone stopped to help, according to video from a traffic camera.

The incident happened Sunday at a busy intersection outside Tel Aviv. The camera caught the motorcycle crossing the intersection next to a truck, and as the truck pulls away, the 63-year-old rider is seen lying motionless on the road, about two yards behind the motorcycle.

Cars drive by and around the rider and the motorcycle through more than a full cycle of the traffic signal before another motorcycle stops and the rider starts to approach. At the same time, another man approaches from outside the frame.

Rescue workers pronounced the man dead at the scene.

The incident was widely reported in
Israel, amid criticism of the drivers who failed to stop and help.

Each year, more than 500 Israelis are killed in traffic accidents, by far more than are killed in terrorist attacks.

Video :


I can’t really pass judgement without living there for an extended period of time. Out ideals of good samaritanism would probably be much different if we had the number of suicide bombings they did.


I can’t really pass judgement without living there for an extended period of time. Out ideals of good samaritanism would probably be much different if we had the number of suicide bombings they did.


Seriously, good point. I cannot begin to place myself in the shoes of an Israeli citizen. The thought that first came to my mind was: “Okay, this could be a bomb ploy. Let the authorities deal.”

I can’t remember where I read it, or the exact number, but it was something like 1 in every 10 citizens has witnessed a bombing. Don’t quote me on the number, but I do remember thinking that even at the small company I worked at it would be 2-3 people. Living like that is beyond my imagination.