ow? bike vs car


Wow. 500ish lbs flipping and pushing a car 3m.


i wish we had the technology to revive people THAT badly injured

save the 2 peopel in the car

revive the rider
kill him
revive him
kill him again
repeat repeat repeat … till you get bored of killing the stupid mother fucker

Invent it… You’ll make a god damned mint.


hell yea … even if i just charge a penny per revival

sure would make catching criminals easy … shoot to kill … make sure they are dead, then revive them and put them on trial

saw this on ebaums world a couple nights ago. crazy shit.

damn thats nuts. Ya hear of too many people killing themselves along with others on those bikes…damn shame


y is that on display thats what i wanna knowdo they always display bad accidents in sweden or what

sooooo… at 155 MPH… and niether party was visable by the other… I must assume it was night… and there were absolutly no lights on either vehicle?.. I don’t know. sounds to me like something is missing in this story. Was a rediculously blind intersection involved? perhaps an extreme incline? at night, assuming lights were functioning on EITHER vehicle, the illumintaion would be seen by at least one party.
So maybe it was during the day, with a rediculously blind intersection, and the bike and car just couldn’t see each other at all. The question still remains, why the hell am I reading about an accident that killed 3 people from a country that doesn’t effect anything… ever…???

maybe for a good lesson?

Thats no way to get aHEAD in life.

How do they know neither party saw each other? They all died. I’m sure the bike rider at least saw the car and had “Oh shit!” pop into his head before he hit. But at 155mph, who knows…

“…and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them.”

lol…this would really be funny if the two people in the car didn’t die


Whatever way you look at it, the biker was an idiot going 155 mph.

yea if u dont know allready when doin 150+ everything becomes blind, trust me

Wow that is nuts. That is always sad to see. Dumb biker.