You have $15K, and you want a convertable

What would you buy for $15k~. I want to buy a (newer, i know i already have one, Del Sol)covertable sports car. I was thinking of the following

Pontiac Solstice CXP
Saturn Sky Redline
Mustang Cobra

what else or out of those what would you get and why?

Any plans on modding this or you want a fun DD with nothing more than intake/exhaust if that?


(my friend, who’s also a member here, is selling his S2K)

Unless you get an older Cobra you’re going to need more than 15k. I wouldn’t get a Cobra unless it was an '03-'04 and you’re 5k+ shy to get a good vert. I drove an S2000 for the 1st time in a while on tuesday and I forgot how fun they are. Not sure how much they’re going for used but a 350z vert could also be fun for you.

S2k or M Roadster.

not going to modd it really, just bolt ons, The GMs make some decent power stock with the turbos they come with, and I know the s2000’s are a blast too.

you can have my S2K for 15k

S2k. The GM would be ok, unless you ever wanted to put anything in the trunk. Oh wait, they don’t have one.

so what are you going to throw in for the extra 3k since you said you would take 12k in your post for it:). If I decide to go with a s2000 i will get a hold of you for sure, your price is real good and it has crazy low miles on it.

i show you how to drive it for the extra 3k…j/k
you can have my DD too :stuck_out_tongue:

s2k or solstice. i love the way the solstice looks mmmm.

s2000 plz.

s2000 or z4, both can be had for around 15g. sky just looks retarded.

sky is sometimes ok looking
I love Z4s

GXP or redline. Cobra you’ll come up short and S2k’s you’ll get a lot less for the money in terms of year/mileage. plus they’re torqueless wonders


Cobra will put all those cars to shame power wise but it is not a good overall car.


gst :slight_smile:

