You have got to be Freakin' kidding!!!!!

I would cut their fucking fingers off one by one without thinking twice…I am speechless after reading this story.

lol Guadalupe?

how the fuck do u find this shit?

lol too funny, but yeah i agree, they should be shot for killing a dog like that

Someone should take their hands and place them on a concrete floor. Then take a nice ball hammer and brake each finger, starting at the tip and working towards the hand. Then after their hands are mangled to shit, do not set the fingers and let them heal all snarly so they will forever remember how horrible of a person they are.

wow, psychological problems…

it’s like that story of the two kids that beat the shit out of a donkey in someones barn.

Send them to Baghdad and let the mujahideen behead them.

this is what happens when you dont hit your kids.

^^^True…I vented by beating on people, kids I knew that didnt get beat, drown cats for fun. I beat THEM up. :wink: Society at its best.

fucking pisses me off…

insert redonk brutal punishment here


this is what happens when you dont hit your kids.


last thing id expect to hear from you


wow, psychological problems…

it’s like that story of the two kids that beat the shit out of a donkey in someones barn.


and fucked it with broom handles…
went to highschool with them, FUCKED