need a lap top .. help

why try to say that you don’t care, opinion is opinion when you clearly do… macs are great, they are shiny and the desktop menu bar bubbles… but really they do lack … simply put the lack of directory services kills them natively on windows or even unix authenticated networks… simple shit like offline logon is a pain in the ass and not tight(standard and repeatable)… they are not networkable workstations,they are one off junk for people that want something neat.

macs are beat… they have a referb sale with hardware over 30% off and i won’t buy them… price is still too high… i’m sure they are superior for whatever you find to be important but the realistic computer base for all the computer companies are corporations… you buy 2 macs they buy 200 (to accompany their 1000’s of windows machines :kekegay: ) … so yeah… the lack of easy integration will always kill the hype… it takes engineering level people to work processes into companies to actually be able to make macs work functionally on a network… which is absurd, it should be point and click… 100% natively supported.

not to mention mac has a keen way of packaging and selling bsd :beat: