You just cant tell some people lol...

i had the inspection done last year and it was a pilot power 2ct. i’m not risking a blow out i was just hoping it would have lasted a lil longer lol. Vlad, ive never been up around that way but seems like there will be some good roads. I usually ride coeymans hollow-greenville area or postenkill-east. I def wanna make it back up there soon.

Also I will say i started riding on the street with a 03 GSXR600 and my brother started on a 05 R1 and were both still alive. It can be done but you have to fully respect the machine youre on and dont be a douche bag rider. I will agree it is much easier to be stupid on a SS replica but you dont have to be.

Look at the childish way that kid types… you really think hes going to respect the track bike for what it is? fuck no. Kid wants to get pussy on the bike, not ride it.

Put the kid in a parking lot with a junk ass katana 600 let him peel around for a bit. if he doesnt go down on that, hand him a real 600 and watch him piss himself at the difference. I tuned and fixed up a katana 600 for someones first bike… and the kid didnt even know what the clutch did! I honestly was fearfull and didnt want anything to do with teaching someone like that how to ride a bike… let alone on the road. And he wanted a 600RR too! LOL

And like jake said… toss a leg over a supermoto that cant huff its ass over 100mph and learn how to ride the balls off that bike. I cant tell you how many times I out rode people on SS’s on my sumo and they get all pissy and pin it on a straight away blowing me off the road thinking they were cool. Tell him if he wants to be that guy, get a 600RR and see the rest of the t-shirts and jeans at the bar. If he wants to actually ride, get a 250 or a supermoto and meet me in the back roads with gear and ill teach him how to actually ride.

lol ur gonna love this part, we had a convo off FB he only plans on wearing a helmet no other gear… He even went as low as to call me names cause I rock “to much gear” on a gay rebel 250 lol

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

He sounds like a winner.

Cause you know, 80mph fall on a 250 is much safer and requires less gear than an 80mph fall on a crotch rocket. :rofl

Your friend sounds like a tool and I would love to road rash kick him if I see him on the street on my motard while yelling “cool bike… Bro”

Midthrust - Eric the point isnt that it cant be done - it can and is done often, the point is that it isn’t a good idea for many reasons. This kid clearly is a tool that is buying a bike to be seen and not ride and doesn’t fathom the dangers of riding. He’s the type to sell the bike after the first crash or even the type to sell it when somebody he knows dies on a bike because reality will finally set it that it can and does happen.

You act as if that isn’t how 75% of people feel anyways. :skid

EXACTLY lol I have no issue looking weird on a 250 or a cruiser with full gear on lol, most cruiser guys i see, including my dad lol, think its weird that I am always wearing near full gear and a full face helmet on my bike, I dont like the halfshell helmets they dont look protective enough for me lol, my dad likes those non DOT approved halfshells that are nothing more than thing plastic shell… of course he is use to riding in FL with no helmet required lol… I dont care if NY passed a law making it legal to go witout helmets id still rock one… Idk to me gear seems natural like buckling my seatbelt when i get in my car, even thou I dont plan on crashing, its the piece of mind that accidents do happen!!

Vlad its Dave, kid with the gixxer 1000, def got to ride again soon! weather is looking good this weekend. Let me know if your down. Rob is ready to go, He is bringing a diaper this time. In case he goes off roading again. Knew it kinda smelled funny behin him!! :lol:lol:lol

At this point I don’t even bother suggesting any bikes to new riders unless they ask for my opinion. It’s not mandatory, and some people do get away with starting bigger, so more power to them. I can only go by my own experience - no dirt/ninja 250/sv650, and I still managed to drop the sv a couple of times when I stopped at an awkward spot with a slope or a pothole. If I got it as first bike chances are it would have got pretty banged up. Another guy I know just got an sv as his first bike with no prior experience, and claims he already put 3700 miles on it this season without dropping it once. So my experience obviously doesn’t translate on everyone.
If they do wreck doing something stupid it doesn’t affect me much unless they manage to involve me in the wreck directly.


And Vlad, you still look like Diego from blow. Derrick for real, Derrick fucking for real!

My first bike was an 01’ GSXR 1000. It was the ultimate definition of 1k bikes at the time…(Plus being gear’ed, it still is pretty f’in good from what I’ve seen since)…from all the research I had done. I will never disagree with my choice of buying “the shit” bike of its day for my first bike. But I didn’t buy it to be a show off, dickhead. I bought it for what it was, and for the honor of owning such a kick ass bike. Since then, I’ve moved on to 8+ years and 25kmi+ worth of experience. I’ve scared myself in a few wheelies and have went a hair wide in a few turns. But I’ve learned from them and improved. I would never tell a “moron” to get a 1000, but I would push a level headed person to get “one” if they could afford it. It’s the mentality. I’ve since bought a 89’ Honda NX 250 on/off road bike. I’ve had a blast on it. However, from that experience, I’d never advise someone to get a 250 for a starter. Get an F’in 80 for the yard and learn to ride, and ride good. Then get a bike of choice and ride it on the street with the best of your knowledge and experience. You’ll be fine, don’t be a wise-ass, dickhead. Respect the fact that you could be flattened at any moment by a “cager”. Look at everything and take it in. If it’s too much……slow the fuck down. You can do it on anything. Just be careful of whatever you are riding. If I could ever preach truth, slow in to the turn, accelerate out. Eventually slow in becomes fast in and faster out becomes the exit of that turn. It’s just experience. Have fun and practice. Ride at your pace, not the pace of others. Oh yeah, and trust your tires and their grip, they are way stickier and better than you will be from the start. When you start sliding out of corners and leaving a strip of rubber on the exit…… Contact your local expert……hahaha. Chances are, you’re bike isn’t set up for your weight/riding position. Good luck, ride whatever, just don’t be a fucking……. MORON.


People die falling off bicycles. 250cc or 2500000cc, doesn’t fucking matter. I personally think 250s are gay as fuck and if you need a 250 to learn you should start off riding dirtbikes.(could care less about vlads posts on how 250s beat 600s on a track.)

I started off on a 2006 gsxr750 as my first bike. Have ridden everything from 250s to busas to choppers.

I’m a firm believer that either you know how to ride and take a sticky situation or you don’t. You are either coordinated or not.

Damn you people. I want a 250 so bad but I keep telling myself no because then I will eventually get my all time favorite looking 600 (R6) after I learn to ride more than great and I definitely don’t trust myself on that thing. I can’t drive my car without doing 130 bombs…

As the title says “you just can’t tell some people”.

Your logic is dumb and flawed. People die mountain climbing too so does that mean that nobody should mountain climb or the opposite that there is no point in learning how to do it before taking on a big mountain?

Riddle me this… Do you think there is such a thing as too much car for a brand new driver or any car is fair game as long as they are being “careful”

And here is another link from people who have no idea what they are talking about compare to the bike gurus above

Sir vlad, we all know that you know all especially about mOtorcycles. We are in vlad land and we all know it on this site. You’ve made your point. No need to post videos or websites.

So let me get this straight, you think my post was totally wrong? Especially the part where coordination is brought up… Like I said before, start off on a dirtbike to learn how to change gears… Falling is falling, on a 250 or anything it’s the same.

Sick comparison vlad, a car vs a bike…

I’m going to have to agree with Vlad, Bardy.

Sending someone who has never ridden a motorcycle out on the road with a 600+ (something that can easily do over 100mph without breaking a sweat) is EXACTLY like sending out a kid who JUST got his permit with a Veyron. There is definitely such a thing as ‘too much bike/car.’ Without a doubt.

You learn throttle control, etc. when you first start to drive. How much brakes too apply for this situation or that. How to throttle the gas properly in certain situations, etc.

This is why some people say it’s better to start on a 250 (a Fiat Panda in car speak) as it’s more forgiving if you mash the throttle, etc.

Does this mean that 100% of rookies should start on a 250? No. But as a general sense or rule of thumb, yes…people should start out small and go big. This would apply to a vast majority of people on the planet. Hell, a good majority of them can’t even drive a car properly (humans in general) it seems.

Sorry man…gonna have to side with Vlad 100% on this one.