Your car is slow, but I've got good news...

I just saved $374 on car insurance by switching to Geico.


Geico $1216 6mos < $1590 6mos Progressive.

I actually raised the Property Dmg coverage as well.

Spent 5 minutes online & 25 minutes on the phone. Worth it to me.




What do you need to check for lower rates? Do I need any paperwork or whatnot when on the phone?

I’ve wanted to call, but I feel it’s too much of a hastle searching for paperwork before calling, and way too much of a hastle while actually on the phone.

They were cheaer for my winter car but not my summer car.

actually, I initially quoted it on the website ( No info needed for quote really. But be advised - my web quote was $904 but my actual price was $1189 once they ran both Driver’s License numbers.

then I changed some coverage around to get my final price.

My online quote form Geico was half what I pay now. After I spoke to them on the phone, it ended up being over $100 more than what I’m paying @ GMAC

HAHA. Similary situation for me. Progressive was around $1200 for 6 months. Switched over to Geico and with extra coverage came out around $800. Did the initial quote online, got the estimate within 10 minutes, called the 800 number and had everything set in less than 30 minutes.

but you’re :gay2: so it doesnt count.

Geico is almost twice as much what i’m paying now for half the coverage … but benifits of being in the military i guess


Equal right my ass… :mamoru:

awd DSM’s dont get equal treatment…

I think they even have a march for that :stuck_out_tongue:

OT: i just wanted to say how much your sig makes me roffle everytime i see it.

carry on

:tup: I stole it from Vweegit.

FYI - My shit was made in Japan. Not Normal. No DSM here :stuck_out_tongue:


In that case, I heart You

Progressive was cheaper than Geico for me.

Wow that is steep. I only pay about 800 for 6 months and I just got a quote from Progressive for $690 for 6 months.

'04 Mazda 6, '02 Trailblazer, '00 Alero.
Couple of old fender benders (read:I hit a viper with a Jeep once).
Couple of tix a few years ago.
Lots of coverage.


I pay $900/6months. I haven’t found a company to beat State Farm.


I went through Geicos homepage, and it was 812/6months compared to my 1145/6months through GMAC.

Then, I pushed OK, and got the email back saying $1400/6months. puzzled, I called.

They then found out that for two years, I’ve had someone elses accident on my record. The reason it was there is because my name and his birthday are identical, all except for our middle initial. Mine “S” and his “M”

So, for two years… while wondering why my insurance hasn’t gone down, because I stopped getting pulled over and have only one parking lot minimal accident… why my rates were so friggin high!

So, after Geico weeded out what was mine on my record compared to what was his… I ended up saving over $550 a year by switching.

The thing now, is that I want reimbursement for GMACs mistake in putting someone elses accident on my record! How can I go about doing this, and actually getting something for it? I dont want to call bitching, but I really want to. That’s F-ed up, because it messed up my record for two years with them, and nobody noticed as I renewed…