Your Health and LIFE May be at Risk for Sake of being PC

Heh, thanks for the offer… but I do not. I left some large dents in the side of my old cougar. Felt good.

yes, half of the people with aids are gay, half of the people with aids are not, i clearly understand this, you douche.

that is exactly what i said, HALF do not - god you’re fucking dumb.

3 legged dog’s can hump just fine, you were conceived somehow.

it must really suck to wake up and be as angry as you are every day, you’re clearly having a heart attack before you get aids.

This is correct

For a Ton of reasons too. The most notable examples are: Lack of use of condoms and promiscuity.

edit: FAWK this is a 5 pager, how did I miss such a gay thread


is that supposed to be “sluts” Corey?

and… I don’t think its a matter of gays beings any more of a sluts then straights, as a percentage on the whole.

Its a matter of (as a percentage), more gay men engage in anal then straight men:women. I assume this is a fact, based on square peg round hole theory.

Anal > vaginal as far as transmission risk. Thats proven.

oh… its better for more reasons than transmission risk :stuck_out_tongue:

The wife is a fan I see :slight_smile:

i’ll not comment in any direction - just sayin’ as a fact, its not only good for AIDS :stuck_out_tongue:

as far as a percentage in their demographic your right, a higher percentage of gay men have probably had anal sex in the gay male community. but you have to remember there are way more heterosexual men than homosexual men. rough estimates are that 5% of the male population is gay. so even if only 10% of heterosexual men have had anal sex with a female partner, they will still outnumber the total number of homosexual men that have had anal sex.

additionally these statistics suck because all “gay” people have obviously had some form of sex, since they’ve made a choice as to what they’re going to fuck…

you need to remove all virgins from the statistics and recount :stuck_out_tongue:

Risk factors are based on a calculation of percentages. Ever do any underwriting?

statistics is what its about for you…but its not what its about for the university and all the people arguing with you. singling out a demographic is discrimination no matter how you look at it. there are laws in place to prevent this and how a government agency like the FDA is able to get away with it blows my mind.

and btw…violent crime and child neglect resulting in death ARE life and death situations…not social trends.

the lack of responsibilty and common sense is passing up blood that could save someones life because there is a very slim possibility it might have a bloodborne pathogen.

guys every1 knows only blacks and gays have AIDS


Sex offenders, which cannot be rehabilitated, being forced to register in a national database for public safety purposes… is discrimination?


I’m done here.

you got that wrong…the sex offenders are the whole group…not the demographic. it would be discrimination if you only made the gay sex offenders register.

I’m a gay sleut sex offender with aids and I like to give blood.

this thread = :bloated:

there is such rampant misinformation that it really is disgusting.

i don’t know where to begin, other than to say that people should really educate themselves before spewing wide sweeping generalizations in public. OR, i guess they can choose to continue and perpetuate the dysfunction. :bloated:

topics like these do matter, i think. they represent a much larger issue. too bad that fear, insecurity, and misinformation mold people’s viewpoints instead of statistically valid studies. :bloated:

:bloated: :bloated: :bloated:

I didn’t read this post but they won’t take my blood because I have always “been tattooed within the last year”


i just think its funny because:

  1. should i get hepatitis
  2. its not going away in a year