Your Health and LIFE May be at Risk for Sake of being PC

I better not get any gay blood if i get a transfusion,

that shit is contagious and it has GAIDS and the HERP

Rofl, I’m surprised it took 5 pages for someone to say it. I wish we could just store our own blood. And if you get injured and didn’t store any of your own blood you are SOL.

im pretty sure you can.

oh and violator = :blah:

Sorry, I don’t have a problem with gay people but. I do agree a gay male shouldn’t be able to give blood. I just don’t have enough trust in a human screening the blood for:

* HIV-1 and HIV-2
* Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2)
* Hepatitis C virus
* Hepatitis B virus
* West Nile virus
* Treponema pallidum (the causative agent of syphilis, usually used as more of a screening test for high risk lifestyle, the last case of transfusion transmitted syphilis was in 1965.)

Gay males are just at much more of a risk because of Anal sex, promiscuity, and lack of use of condoms.

Again, I don’t have anything against gay people I just think that 1:1,000,000 is not something to fuck with especially with AIDS

wow, the funny part is that you still dont get the point or understand the facts. You really are stupid.

don’t be pissed at me because you’re 4 feet tall, be pissed at your parents.

1st point = TRUE, but straight people do that too, and to what extent, we do not know.

2nd point = FALSE - so gay people are naturally more promiscuous? is this a proven fact, or an assumption??? i would like to see data on this.

3rd point = FALSE - so gay people don’t use condoms? you do know that condoms are used to prevent passing stds to partners, in addition to their contraceptive qualities, right? so we are to assume that because dudes cant get dudes pregnant, that they don’t use condoms…

im sorry, there are some pretty outrageous, outter limb climbing assumptions in this thread.

when people state ASSUMPTIONS like they are FACTS… this thread is a brothel of misinformation.

Its across the board yes…

I will find you a link to it… Unfortunately whats coming up right now is a bunch of catholic sites… Which are well cited. I just not have been able to look into the cites to see if they are credible sources. I am also friends with quite a few gay males, and it is rather evident that they are awfully promiscuous. Where a clique of gay males have all slept with each other. there is 7 or 8 in the group. As well as others who don’t like to have a relationship with other males but like to fuck them.

Of maybe 15 - 20 gay males that I know I know of 5 that are not considered to be promiscuous. Again I’m not saying that all are promiscuous but through experience this is what I have seen. Which could be completely wrong.

Generally people engaging anal sex are far less common to use condoms. Yes, there are has been incredible leaps and bounds in terms of market safe sex. Thats (that I know of) has only been in the last 5 years.

There are also countless articles about gay/ bi males being at a higher risk of STD’s

Care to respond?

edit: Addition… Males are generally more promiscuous than women too. so say we use some arbitrary numbers.

Male A = 55% to fuck anything
Female b = 50% to fuck anything.

chances of them two fucking… = 27.5%

Male A = 55% to fuck anything
Male B = 55% to fuck anything

Chances of sex = 30%

27.5% of 1million = 275,000
30.25% of 1 million = 302,500

a Difference of 27500, using a relatively conservative percent of difference between the two

On top of that Humans are mammals. Male Mammals have shown to be far more promiscuous than females. Albeit humans are not as radical, there is still that same kind of wiring between mammals.

For the longest time female promiscuity has been completely frowned upon by culture, that still carries over into the new era.

The largest factor still being that Gay men are still far more at risk to obtain STD’s The largest factor is because of Anal Sex

15:1000 chance of obtaining HIV through anal (catcher)
3:1000 chance of obtaining HIV through anal (pitcher)

Looking for vaginal sex statistics. but you didn’t dispute this, so I’m putting little effort into it.

I wish this thread would die of aids.

your group of 7-8 gay friends is not enough of a sample to provide any persuasive edivence of rampant promiscuity in the gay community. if there are other sites that statistically and scientifically prove it, within a reasonable assurance level, then i will stand corrected.

as far as the whole condom issue, the first word in your statement, “generally”, sums it up. your statement is just that, a generalization that you have no data to back up.

you do think about it rationally, i just don’t happen to agree with you. :tup:

According to Flannery’s study, 35 percent of females and 51 percent of males said they used a condom the last time they had anal sex.

According to the study of first-year students, 59 percent of the women and 67 percent of the men said they used a condom the last time they had sex, but this number is still too low, Flannery said.

both quoted from text.

Yes females are less likely to use condoms (fucking skanks) but…

In 2005, 15 percent of the women and 17 percent of the men surveyed at Chico State said they had participated in anal sex, a figure Flannery said is higher than in previous years.

15 percent of women have participated in Anal sex. so 15% of 35% is a relatively low percentage, of all straight females (just making the assumption that female to female anal can’t happen… and using a strapon would transmit nothing)

where as…

ugh can’t search for gay male engagement of anal sex (at work… lol and the search results are not allowed lol)

But I do agree about the small sample, Its just hard to not think males are far more promiscuous when sex marketing is geared towards males. Its revered as COOL to fuck as many partners as possible.

i kind of agree - however i also don’t want it to because then we’ll all turn gay