your thoughts on this article(U.S. collapse)

you’re right though

But most of the discussion in here is not even about the article. It is about economics.

Step away from the crack pipe.

Yeah, give tax breaks to the people that BARELY pay anything.
Gee, that could put a whole ten dollars back into the economy.:rolljerk:
They can go to the rez and get an extra pack of smokes!
There’s an economic stimulus plan for ya.


Shit goes up. Shit goes down.

I’m not worried about economic problems. They’re man-made problems, they’ll have man-made fixes.

I’m more worried about what happens when we’ve burned everything and are out of fuel. Don’t think that can happen? Our own government has mandated that we start burning food for fuel… The world has changed more in the 150 years since the industrial revolution than it has in the 12,000 years from the neolithic revolution to the industrial revolution. How long can we keep that up?

Oh well, probably not the right time for that discussion…

^Nanotechnology will save us. Don’t sweat it.

The US is headed downhill but with our technology I don’t think you will see a true collapse.


Some fucktard scientist will probably create some sort of self-replicating nano-machine that turns the entire Earth into one big rubix cube.

To paraphrase a comedian’s skit, this is what I picture up in heaven right now (now being the last 100 years):

“Angel: Hey, uh, God?”
“God: Yes?”
“Angel: We’ve got a bit of a situation. Down on Earth”
“God: Yes? What is it?”
“Angel: Well, you see. It’s the humans. They’re, uh. They’re BURNING EVERYTHING!”

But Barack Obama OR Jesus is going to save us, not technology!

Americans are not a good workforce anymore. People think they’re entitled to a good life.

So this technology-how do we bring it to fruition before other countries when more students in India and China are graduating from science and engineering programs? It’s actually a pretty large difference.

Exactly. I hear everyone saying, “don’t worry, America always finds a way out of these situations. That’s why we are so awesome.”

The problem is everyone expects the government to go fix everything. They don’t realize it was the American people that worked their way out of the bad situations.

No one cares what is going on enough to actually do something about it.

Luckily for us the technology landed in our lap so we already have it.
Ok, not our lap but, Roswell.:tinfoilhat:
Where do you think kevlar, carbon fiber, etc came from? Duh.

Dude. Have you lost your mind?

All of our modern technology was reverse engineered from a giant robot that crashed in the arctic.

Psh. Roswell. :awdrifter:



We also can solve our energy crisis by replacing oil with an all-spark.

but then wont we have oil-based lifeforms running around blowing stuff up?

We have that now. See: Tali Ban.

I guarantee the US military blows up more stuff than the tali ban, lol

Just watch the video:


^No socialized program has ever worked so why do we think free health for baby boomers will?
With new science people will live to 200 years old.
Who is going to pay for that?
Should we let them die?
It is quite a moral dilema.


The world’s ending in 2012 anyways. Who cares?