your thoughts on this article(U.S. collapse)

^ I thought it was approx 29 days

Ok, what’s the deal?
If I post ANYTHING I get the tinfoil hat?:biglaugh:


why do you think they sell aluminum foil now instead of tinfoil? They want to read your mind.

and to answer your question, yes let them die.
I am alright with letting extremely old people die in order to let younger people live. It is the natural cycle of the planet.
Might be another good article to read

Was doing some searching and found this old gem of a thread. Hope nobody gets mad I’m bumping it. :wink:

As to the above…The US dollar is going to be worthless one way or another. The Keynesian way is maybe slower but enables wild inflation and vast wealth re-distribution. In the end his theory enslaves the majority to the debt it creates and all for the profit of the elite few.

Joe’s point that amounted to “well we’re stuck now since there are more USD than there is gold currently” shows the flaw of Keynes concepts. So we took an inanimate object and made it bigger than that which is tangible. Makes sense. LOL.
It’s interesting reading up on Keynes. It seems he was into molesting young boys from some reading I’ve done. He was supposedly a horrible family man, which could explain his love for spending lavish instead of saving for the benefit of any future generations.

The idea that the government or fed should control “business cycles” is absurd. Why should they? Why should we have anything but natural free market business cycles? Even more wild to me is the thought that government spending is a good thing and will lead to a stable economy. I have to think a “stable” economy is one which isn’t bound to massive exponential debt, no? Would you guys call our financial markets “stable” today? Has anybody looked at the ATR or VIX indicators? Does that not perhaps illustrate we could be near the potential top level Keynes could take us to without a fundamental correction or rebirth? Fundamentally we are bankrupt and trapped by something like $16 trillion in debt. Deflation will make that number seem like 160 trillion. Inflation will make that number 160 trillion realized. TOUGH decisions ahead. Will all that debt being defaulted on or inflated out of existence not cause a war? I dunno.

According to Keynesian folks we cannot have a depression…or else. The damage caused would be too catastrophic. But is the alternative sound? To inflate and fabricate a bigger government? To clarify, I think government spending on infrastructure is a good thing if it’s done responsibly. To spend on growing government bloated labor without any lasting productivity, or worse yet to bail out private companies is just poor policy period!

I respect most you guys in here…lots of good knowledge and strong minds. I just agree to disagree on some points. :wink:

Something I learned the other day; At the time of the Great Depression about 27% of Americans worked in agriculture, today it is about 2%. Agriculture is somewhat “reccession proof” because people need to eat, so in today’s times maybe unemployment could reach even greater numbers if a depression were to occur. That and the fact that no one knows how to grow food or take of themselves any longer. We all depend on other people(corporations).

I found that reading shit like this just makes me more angry. To the individual it makes common sense and that changes need to be made but to career politicians who are only worried about keeping their seat and pulling in the 6 figures as long as possible, they will never step up and change.

I firmly believe that Congress, Senate, etc know the ship is sinking and they are looting every penny they can before it goes down. Corruptiuon has been around for a long time but what is going on now is horrendous.

My concern with that statement is…
Where are they putting the stolen pennies? Everything is pegged to our dying currency currently, so where is the safe haven they are shifting funds to? Inflation produces a false sense of “value” because in reality the nominal value drops as the currency is continually weakened to produce the inflated perceived valuations. As our “assets” go up in USD valuation, the USD goes down in spending power. It’s a catch 22 of epic proportions.

I believe they don’t realize the beast they have created. I think they are dealing with major blind spots due to their arrogance in policy creation and how they have been playing god “successfully” for far too long. They think they can CREATE business cycles without fallout and with no regard to underlying fundamentals.

Overseas? :gotme: I would be buying farm land.

:gotme: Ditto. Switzerland or Singapore from some crash theory books I have read. But I dunno.
Yesterday was rather odd…all the commods seemed to drop as did the USD AND the paper indices. If that trend continues that would signal to me further deflation is likely unwinding. There must be SOMETHING those funds were put in though. Something must be performing strong. We need to find the coat-tails and ride the next wave if we want to mimic the big boys wealth.