Your thoughts vs. 3 - 4 yr old on back of motorcycle

OK, so please fill me in on what you think about this.

I was driving down Main St. in Clarence on lunch when a female came riding up behind me on a motorcycle. We hit a red light, when I looked back, I thought I noticed little hands holding on to her. When I came up to the light at Goodrich, I stopped to which she was turning right.

Just as I thought and I shit you not… A kid which looked to be no older than 3-4yrs old was holding on to his mother on a motorcycle wearing nothing more than a bicycle helmet.

I thought I saw it all but guess this one is new to me.

Should this be legal? Is it legal? What do you guys think about this?


you sure the kid was only 4? 4 is REALLY small. If the kid was only 3 or 4, you should have called 911 and reported the person.

x a fucking million. If it’s true that’s absolutely ridiculous.

You sure it wasn’t a midget?

I shit you not, and honestly… I just didnt know what to think/do I was so fucking dumbfounded. And in a fucking Bike helmet! not a motorcycle helmet. the kid didnt even come up to her shoulder blades. The kid was the size of someone you would have to have sit in the back with a childs boost seat

The kid will probably grow up to be a “mini me” of this dumb cunt. We will read about him flying off of his bike at 180 mph running from the cops for asshatry in 14 years.

legal or not, you cant fix stupid.

Meh, I’ve seen worse.

Darwin will catch up eventually.

I rode with my dad on his suzuki GSX 1150 when I was ~5 years old, but I actually had a motorcycle helmet and the bike had a “sissy bar”

Sure,I think they should be able to drive them as well.

Only in shorts and sandals. The child isn’t getting proper air flow behind the adult driver to keep comfortably cool. It is imperative that the child wear as little clothing as possible in order to stay cool and comfortable. It wouldn’t be safe if the child were to get too hot as he/she may not be able to fully concentrate on being a good passenger. It’s common sense really.

Meh, last i heard, it has to do with size, not age.

If he was big enough to reach the pegs and hang on. It’s not illegal.

He MUST sit behind the rider though.

---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

Bicycle helmet is HIGHLY illegal though.

i would have called 911. Child endangerment. The mother might have been on crack, that is how insane I think that is.