Your top five albums of all time?

Sublime - 40 oz
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
The Postal Service - Give Up
Owen - At Home With Owen
The Beatles - Abbey Road

the photo album > trasatlanticism

I think Muse wouldn’t be Muse without Radiohead but they are a harder version. They picked up where Radiohead left off after OK Computer. The top 5 albums is a small list so I had to keep them off.

This thread reminds me of the movie High Fidelity at the end when the chick magazine columnist asks John Cusak what his all time top 5 favorite records are…

What no Nirvana?!?
They are like the best band ever!

Actually I am proud of you guys for not posting that suicidal retard.

Say what you want about Kurt but without Nirvana and their lyrics/music there wouldn’t be the amount of good bands there are today.

Nirvana was posted, and they did put out some decent albums that represent the grunge genre. If you don’t like grunge as a whole, you likely wouldn’t like Nirvana either. :slight_smile:

Muse can blow me… usually

I gave it a listen cover to cover and couldn’t get into it like I could OK and the Bends.

Hot cross - a new set of lungs EP
88 Fingers Louie LP
Brand New - Deja Entendu
Bright Eyes - Fevers and Mirrors
Catharsis - Passion

I want to change Abbey Road to Owen - At Home with Owen

Pearl Jam - 10 (first CD i ever bought)
Live - Throwing Copper
Rage Against the Machine - Evil Empire
Offspring - Smash
Cranberries - Everybody else is doing it why can’t we :poke:

:headbang: (i loved 90’s music)

BIG - Ready to Die
Tribe Called Quest - Low End Theory


Ladytron - Witching Hour
Pantera - Greatest Hits
Alice In Chains - Best of the Box / Unplugged
Prodigy - Fat of the Land
Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport

My muscial taste is all over the place so these are a few albums I can listen to for hours on end.

Haha, I’ve been listening to Fat of the Land a lot recently also.

In fact I’m pretty sure I first got that CD before that fateful journey out to take pictures, that involved the infamous bathroom incident.

Yep, come to think about it. That’s the first time I ever listened to that album in it’s entireity. Thanks :slight_smile:

God nothing like playing james bond in a fucking park in greece…

  1. Cage - Movies for the Blind
  2. R.a Rugged Man - Die Rugged Man Die
  3. Biggie - Life After Death

In no order:

Smashing Pumpkins - Melon Collie and the Infinite Saddness
Nirvana - Nevermind
Metalica - S&M
Linkin Park - Hybred Theory
U2 - Joshua Tree

  1. MF Doom- madvillainy
  2. MF Doom- Vaudeville villain
  3. madlib- shades of blue
  4. Sean price
    - mixtapes > albums
  5. Lil wayne /

This is really hard for me, and will probably change in the near future.

  1. Sublime - S/T
  2. AFI - The Art of Drowning (It’s really a tie between all albums.)
  3. Against Me - Reinventing Axl Rose
  4. Alice In Chains - Unplugged
  5. Thrice - The Illusion of Safety

This is terrible because I want to add about 17 albums to my list.

That one’s good too, but I dont think it even compares to BTMKTC.

Do you listen to The Chariot? They are pretty good too ( og singer from norma jean )

nice pick

i love that scene in karate kid 3