Youtube thread VS Video Section

There is really no point in having both because it’s the same content being shown in two differently organized parts of the forum.

So let’s throw them both into winner take all death match.

Points for the YouTube video thread - Great lay out for easy access, a lot of video’s embedded in appropriate section in just one thread, easy scroll down and click and watch, instant entertainment. One thread for Auto, one thread for Moto and one for offbeat. Downsides include the comments would create a lot of confusion and searching would be hard for something specific. However this setup has worked for many other boards.

Points for Video Section - Gives each video it’s own identity, makes commenting very easy and on point. If this wins I’ll split up the entire Youtube thread into separate videos for each of the posts made to make the section much more crowded and undo the mess of the Youtube thread if it’s apparent that you guys don’t prefer that style. Downside, less exposure per video and old videos get to other pages and get lost, less interest in visiting the section in general as a whole.

Plan B, keep it the way it is now and leave it alone, have the Youtube thread for auto and offtopic stickied on top of the Video section.

Let me know


I saw put all videos in the Video section. The Youtube thread gets too cluttered and videos don’t load because of so many other videos on the same page, etc. etc. it’s just a clusterfuck. I vote all videos to Video Section :number1

Looks like both of the Youtube threads will be split! :thumb