Z06 vs Ferrari F430

i didnt think the Z’s aero would allow much past 195… it has too much downforce which is a great thing for highspeed stability on open road courses…which is what the Z06 is really good at


I’m pretty sure a few guys who have retuned their Z’s have done high speed runs into the 200s

Wait… so you haven’t even sat in one and you’re making statements like that? Not very smart. The C6 interior is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer than the C5 (coming from a C5 owner too) and is actually rather nice. My buddy just traded his '06 M3 on a '06 C6 (non Z06) and says he actually likes the interior layout and materials better (along with liking the whole car much, much better). The build quality is also much better on the 'vette (a few things were falling off the M3 and the doors liked to not open, at all of 10k miles). We liked to decorate his M3 though…


I’ve sat in the c5 and I’ve sat in several other performance american cars which had interiors I thought were horrible. I’ve sat in a 360 before and loved it, but to each his own.


hahahahahahaha that cracks me up. WTF did they people there think of that.

little kids were prob laughing

hahha he has a penis on his car

nothin gets past you

thats capt obvious duhhh

did you hear the sarcasm/bevis n butthead in the post? haha

:blah: :blah: :smiley: