Z06s RULE!!!

I really need to get a better job so I can get one of these!!! 11’s bone stock!!! One problem though I only have a one car garage


youll probably end up road-tripping w/ me sometime this winter to go buy one (but u prob wont drive it) :down:

i wanna see a bone stock one go in the 11’s

i don’t really doubt that a few will be in the 11’s, but corvette’s still suck balls.

When you say bone stock… are you referring to it still being in stock trim too? Like stock airbox and tires still installed? If that’s the case, then I’m with Spangler. I would LOVE to see a ZO6 run 11’s.

Now with DR’s and minus the stock airbox… thats a different story. :bigok:

And speaking of ZO6’s… I’m hoping to witness Stacy Barnett and his twin t66 ZO6 run 9’s this weekend in Las Vegas. :cool:

sorry guess we all cant be blessed with a fucking altima STFU

And speaking of ZO6’s… I’m hoping to witness Stacy Barnett and his twin t66 ZO6 run 9’s this weekend in Las Vegas. :cool:[/QUOTE]

take video pics!!! is there any write ups —pics on his vette??

move to e-fight :mrT:

I never said the altima is badass, I just don’t like corvette’s, and I think a few bone stock one’s, down to the tires, will be in the 11’s.

I think seeing a BONE stock Z06 in the 11’s is about as rare as seeing a BONE stock F-Body in the 12’s

x2 !!!

when i was at bristol at there drag strip there was bone stock 03 z06 street tires… it best was like 12.6 i believe

agreed. its rare, but it can happen…also, Z06 prob has to be a 02+

Spangler, need not to worry… I’ll have a digital video camera with me for the Drag Racing night. I’ll hook it up with some pictures as well. :bigthumb:

I’m not as sure about a write-up, but I’ll chat with him and get some specs. :cool:




there have been a hand ful of occurances where the Z06 has made an 11.8-11.9 pass off the showroom floor

Picture from Vegas of Stacey’s VeTTe :cool:


are there any god damn cars that you do like? Everytime anything is ever mentioned you shit on it.

So did everybody just skip the link and start making coments? Read the article… bone stock. Stock right down to the filter. They didn’t even fuck w/ tire pressure. To be fair the car was a consisten 12.1 or so it appears from the article, but did run an 11. And that’s only on a 1.9 60’ due to track conditions and stock tires. Oh, then it pulled 1.0g. There’s just not a lot of cars that can run an 11 then pull 1g, let alone STOCK.

So you’re saying it happens often? Not every car, and especially not every driver but there’s been plenty to do it.


thats basically what bics is sayin also. :beer: