Can’t wait to see this thing at the track
How long til you have it running Jason?
Give me 2-3 more months. I am done school march 25 and will be apprenticing making between 15-20/hour. Then I will have the money I need to finish up.
Scraped all the old undercaoting off. This took me about 50 hours with a chisel. There was 2 f’n coats. Well here is a pic all primered up and ready for the new stuff to go on.
I undercoated the car today. Turned out really nice. I used a product called Hippo. It is typically used as a truck bedliner. Really resists scratching. It looks like it is kind of not covered in areas but that is just reflection from the flash.
Fuckin cool. I’ve always wanted to do that to my car. Looks good.
That is alot of work, but definently worth it in the end. I hate when people do up a car but dont pay any attention to whats going on underneath.
Alot of Z31 owners could learn a great deal from you.
Thanks, I am sure I could help some people out if they need it.
What springs are those? :?
looks like intax springs to me. :rolleyes:
yeah they are intrax. I have 2 sets of lowering springs. I think I may use these cause they are a lower ride hieght than the eibach’s.
Interested in selling the Eibachs then? :E
well see…
Here is a couple pics from the last week. Removed all the glass and have been sanding and grinding. It sits so f’n high without anything in it makes me want to take it out 4x4ing like allens joy pop.
What did you spray in your wheel wells?
looks like the undercoat stuff i spray on dealership cars at work, and it kinda looks like the same stuff as armaguard bedliner material
if you look a few posts earlier you will see my undercoating pics. It is a product call hippo bedliner. Worked great.
thats undercoat mike :alright:
thats undercoat mike :alright:[/quote]
Just checking. :butthead: