driving down the highway and all of the sudden sputter and death. try to restart on the side of the highway and at WOT I just get nasty pops as if I’m running on two cylinders, can’t get paste 1500RPM, don’t even think about applying load.
unplug the Z32 MAF and it runs like there is no MAF plugged in, which sucks but atleast I can drive w/ a 3000rpm red line.
get home, wiring looks fine, no error codes from the ecu, double you tee eff.
just for laughs rewire the Z32 MAF straight from the ECU and still nothing. get a new Z32 MAF and still nothing.
any idea what’s going on?
background: S14 blacktop in S13 chassis, recent enthalpy tune, Z32 MAF + boltons. car’s been running for over a year, had the tune for about 2 months with no problems.