Ziptie Goodness *pic*

Priceless shot…

Explanation (retarded thread but I found it amusing):

that’ll hold

no they wont melt at all

Super duper ceramic coated teflon zipties = nice

pure jdm

It’s almost like that guy who ziptied his driveshaft :hsugh:

i wonder if u can get it to spool, if so, how long before it melts, on cold motor, i say 25 seconds till it comes off…

its problably for test fitting purposes so he doesnt need to do up all the bolts back and forth

hey man bob and i ziptied my exhaust back together on the vw and got all the way from whitby to markham without it melting.


no shit shirlock

HAHAHha stupid ppl

whats funny was he was trying to sell it with that picture :rolleyes:

Hey Dan, I think Full Race sells those actually.


i am quite literally supporting the downpipe bracket on my car with a few extra strong zipties… obviously temporary since i am not driving the car but it did last a couple test drives.

What a wanna-be JDM poser! Un-trimmed zipties is soooo last year!

Well aren’t we Mr. Poopy pants.

well he sure aint sherlock

anybody who actually looks at nico has somthing wrong with them.

The CA forum on NICO is great actually…
No idea about the rest though.

what have you got wrong with NICO DTS? I spend a lot of time on that forum, its very useful.