ZPI Stage 1 Turbo

Could you put on your pre fabbed kit this weekend and put down 300WHP on your first dyno pull? Could you simply hook up the connectors without hours of welding, cutting, measuring, and refabbing? Could you make your own cast manifold?

Nothing is more annoying that watching people on the internet bitch about things not being free. It’s almost as bad as the moran that buys the kit used from someone else after bitching about the price, then complains about the slow technical support they are getting from the manufacturer :hay:

How many of the turbo kits in here were done in under 12 hours, because at my billable rate that should be about all the time I have to spend on that kit, including all of the sourcing, and all of the fab work.

Oh wait, if I buy an intercooler made out of beer cans and use JBweld to hold it together because my $50 harbor freight tig hasn’t arrived yet, spend a whole season getting it put together, and then another 2 months getting it running right, I could save a thousand bucks.


There is nothing wrong with doing something yourself, and it’s often priceless, and cheaper in material cost, but there is also nothing worse than some internet keyboard monkey spouting off about how some crap is a ripoff and he can do it for half as much money.

disclaimer - i know nothing about this kit, the quality, or the components, this is a rant about automotive forums in general across all makes and models