ZOMG Punch me in the face...

Yes the tittle of this thread is what I was told the other night while banging this chick i have been booty calling for the last 2-3 months.

She wanted me to punch her in the face as she was cumming. Now I’m usually down for a lot of shit in bed but this just totally threw me off. I almost did it just cause the bitch annoys me but then I thought WTF do i do if I knock her out. Do I swing hard? or am I supposed to be playing? What if she expects me to deck her and I love tap her, she’ll think I’m a pussy and my free meaningless sex will be gone? What if she expects me to love tap her and i knock her the fuck out?

So instead i just tied her to the end of the bed (which she wanted also) and jack hammered her till her ass was red and my nuts were sore.

Anyone have any strange requests from bitches too?:wtf

shiiiitttt. put her in the trunk. never know when your gonna need a portable punching bag/ cum dumpster.


nope, all normal from my angle. / .;o

I would have done the same. But after, clarify what she wants.

Because next time, I’d brick that bitch in the face

for real? OMFG… ummm i think you did the right thing… maybe that chick just likes pain? idk. LOL I would ask beforehand next time! LOL

Good luck with that crazy one! :lol

cum on her face first. strawberry shortcake FTW!

Punch the broad, you’ll look back at that and be like, “damn…i REALLYY shoulda hit that bitch when i had the chance”

just do it man. i had that before. a hard slap across the face works well. it doesnt really leave marks other than her cheek being red. first time a girl said that to me i was stunned. then i just thought to myself “fuck it” and backhanded her. tho, if u dont think u can do it, give her my number, srsly srs*


I’ve never had a girl tell me to hit her

But I do love the ones that tell you to tie them and choke em

nothing like banging from behind and wrapping your hands firmly aroun dtheir neck tilly ou both cum

good times :thumbup
