ZOMG VIDEO GAMEZ!1!!1!!! -What system should I buy?

haahah ive seen it in toronto, along with those faggy ass Wii cars. How lame.

wow, I am surprised that this has not been mentioned yet

you do know GTA will becoming out for the 360 before it is released for the PS3

who said GTA?

i think they were referring to GT5


who said GTA?

i think they were referring to GT5



SOoo…Here’s my dilema. And I feel like it’s choosing between Ninjas or Pirates…but what system do I opt to buy tommorow? Do I go PS3 with the intention of getting GTA4 and GT5 when they come out? Or do I go Xbox 360 Elite and buy Halo 3, Forza and the usual online games?

So what’s everyones opinions? (Haha, this is gonna be interesting…)

Playstation 3?


Xbox 360 Elite?


you might want to get your prescription updated ol’ man


i do need to read better

i downloaded the 2 vids on live of gta4 and it looks pretty sweet, especially in hd. :tup:

Sony has great games on the horizon, and their console is more powerful than the xbox 360, if longevity is of interest to you, you may not want to exclude the ps3 at some point.

However Microsoft is putting out great games right now, and more comming soon. They have so much going on with the 360 platform. I wouldn’t worry about the reliability problems with the 360. They seem to have a generous warranty policy.

Do what I did, and get both, don’t deprive yourself.

If it were me in your situation and I has only getting one right now, it would be a 360 elite w/hdmi.

In the near future, sony will have the 40gb, $399 ps3, and great games like uncharted, gt5, little big planet. Plus playstation home isn’t ready yet, sony’s answer and more to xbox live, but IMO it will draw alot of people to the ps3 when it does come out.

too bad sony cant figure out how to harness the more powerful ps3 then, cause all the ps3 games i have played have been the same as the 360, some even worse. read the reviews, alot of ps3 games get lower scores than the 360.

PS3 might be OMGSOFUCKINGAWESOME someday, but that day is not today.

That said if you want games to play now, the 360 is where it’s at.

xbox360 plz!
PS3 are junk.
1 week after they came out places like Best Buy and Walmart were getting them back as returns.
Even if someone gave me a free PS3 I would return it or just sell it for the same price of a xbox and get a 2nd xbox360


too bad sony cant figure out how to harness the more powerful ps3 then, cause all the ps3 games i have played have been the same as the 360, some even worse. read the reviews, alot of ps3 games get lower scores than the 360.


give me the 360 controller any day of the week, the shoulder buttons on the playstation systems are the most akward things tu use when you use them and try a 360 controller for the same games.

is the 360 controller better than the regular xbox?

I used to hate the original… always liked having the 4 L/R buttons, especially for GTA… that game was impossible to play on xbox

i love the 360 controller.

they moved th black and white buttons to abve the L and R buttons they call them LB and RB…

I love it cause it took the cool parts of the dreamcast controller and made it perfect.

my old man hands have troubles with those top buttons

must be the arthritis

well its def not my cat like reflexes

haha, yeah ps3 will be my gift to myself for christmas, im going out tommorow for 360 after i get outa work. PS3 can wait. Xbox Live…how i’ve missed you soo…

Whats the main game people on here play on Live? I might as well pick it up if its not included in the bundle.

we still play rainbow 6 alot, team fortress 2 is the new one but picking up both shouldent be too har, im sure you can get r6 used for a good price.
