ZOMG VIDEO GAMEZ!1!!1!!! -What system should I buy?

SOoo…Here’s my dilema. And I feel like it’s choosing between Ninjas or Pirates…but what system do I opt to buy tommorow? Do I go PS3 with the intention of getting GTA4 and GT5 when they come out? Or do I go Xbox 360 Elite and buy Halo 3, Forza and the usual online games?

So what’s everyones opinions? (Haha, this is gonna be interesting…)

Playstation 3?


Xbox 360 Elite?

not one response? nothing? what’s going on here…

What kind of games do you like?

There is no doubt xbox + live can provide hours and hours and hours of fun, with friends. But most of the games are shooters or sports games

there are far fewer ps3s, but the graphics are intense and there are a few big games i’ll really want to play on it ( metal gear sold )

i’d buy an xbox

360>sony crap

:tspry: for actually posting.

Yeah I’m leaning towards 360, but at the same time, I love the GT series, and GT5 is going to rock, but as of right now, the game selection for PS3 is horribad. 360 has Xbox Live tho, which kicks ass. So idk lol

build a gaming PC :slight_smile:

^ already got one.

im with sureshot on this.

i’ve always went with chose playstaion back in the day but decided to go with xbox last year, and with live, its def is so much fun

i would go with xbox

wii would like to play

^ have the Wii, got bored after the first week of playing constant Zelda and Wii Sports.

the games are there now for xbox, with some insane games coming around the corner in the next few months… get xbox now.

if it’s not everything you wanted in a system, sell it for ps3 and GT5 ( whenever it comes out )

Wow, fuck Buffalo States internet.

I’m thinking Xbox 360, can’t go wrong with price and games, christmas is coming up, which means more $$$ from family, maybe ill buy ps3 then? lol

Hrmm. I was convincing the woman to get the Wii. Maybe I should entice her to get the xbox instead :slight_smile:

The Wii is ok, but you can only play it soo much before you get tired of it, the games are only fun when you got a group of people to play with you. It’s a party system basically, other than that, its not too fun.


The Wii is ok, but you can only play it soo much before you get tired of it, the games are only fun when you got a group of people to play with you. It’s a party system basically, other than that, its not too fun.


the noob has it right :jam:

:thankyou: i guess ill take the noob comment as a compliment

my vote is 360, more games available and even better games on the horizon.


Haha, just called the gf, and she’s up for splitting the cost of Xbox 360 Bundle!!

Ding ding ding we have a winner!

lol get a Wii if your 5 years old and like 3 bit graphics


lol get a Wii if your 5 years old and like 3 bit graphics


LOL those graphis get worse everytime you mention the system and i don’t think you have even used it yet from talking to you. Silly old man.