Gun Laws 01/14/2013

Looks like we’re safe until the Feds pass something if anything.

Gun control bill shot down in Montpelier
49 mins ago
Less than a week after proposing a gun control bill that would have banned assault weapons and high-capacity magazines statewide, Vermont’s Senate Majority Leader says he’s now planning to withdraw that bill.

State Senator Phil Baruth tells Seven Days Newspaper that it’s “painfully clear…that little support exists in the statehouse for this sort of bill.”

His statement comes just a day after hundreds of gun rights activists rallied at the statehouse in opposition to his proposal.

thats just Vermont?

Everyone that is waiting on a reply from me, my fever just broke. I got the flu and it’s been running 104 since Friday. Please give me time and I will get back to everyone. Thank you.

Sadly, yes.

Hopefully little passes federally. Thank god state law makers here have common sense.

looks like these guys didn’t have any issues enjoying themselves.

is that honey in the jar?

I’m going to with apple pie moonshine.

Entire picture is legally procured. lol

Everclear, Apple Juice, Cider, cinnamon stick, lil sugar. Hydrometer said it was around 80 proof.

For personal consumption only.

-Make it harder for drivers to plea bargain traffic tickets to avoid stiffer fines and higher auto insurance premiums. Cuomo says the state loses $58 million in plea bargain. He also proposes additional surcharges on speeding tickets.

This is part of the idiots budget plan I hope more people get a wind of this over these gun laws and make the right decision and vote against the ass clown

Yep. Courts get their set fees on every ticket unless its dismissed. Put it this way, how many tickets a year do people get and pay a fine on, VS reg a gun and pay a small fee. Or how much does it cost to put a lazy trooper in a car and a U turn VS a ATF officer on a sting operation and get someone arrested?

The state needs to stop running itself like a magician pulling tricks out of a hat every month, and more like a business.

/off-topic rant

My guess if the ticket thing goes through you’ll see a lot more cops reducing tickets on the spot.

yea ill def be following this alot more closely, this guy is just out of control and needs to be shut down


What incentive do they have though? Why should they be nice to you? I see them handing the ticket out reguardless, or letting you off on a warning. I doubt they will stand up for their ticketing beliefs like many cops are for gun controll rights now.

:dunno i dont get your response?

no i think hes referring to town cops not troopers, the town gets majority of the money if its a reduced offense and just a fine but the state gets it when its not… maybe im wrong but its my understanding of the law

That was my understanding too.

Just got off the phone with cop buddy

Say you get yanked and plea/found guilty to a moving violation. Fine is $150 + $85 surcharge.

town/city/village gets like $5 out of the deal. That’s it. And ANY money they take in goes into a general funds account for the T/C/V.

IF, they reduce it to a parking ticket with no surcharge the T/C/V gets all $150. State gets zippo.

AND, it depends on who does the prosecution. T/C/V’s dont do their own prosecution, whereas troopers do. Thats why most troopers don’t reduce in court to anything lower than a failure to obey a traffic control device. (2 pts instead of much more if it was a +10 over speeding ticket). Make you feel like they are cutting you a break but still pockets the money in the states piggy bank not the T/C/V.

Like he said too, the towns will never let that fly. They would be BROKE. So by passing this next fuckup by homo, they would have to find other places to make up for the loss. So Hello higher property taxes. Also insurance would go through the roof because more offenses would be passed from DMV to the insurance co’s and drivers would be “risky-er”. This also will make clean drivers go up too, just not as bad. Because if your in a risky area, even if you’re a good driver, they can still hit you… so your rates will still rise.

Shocked noone has shot Cuomo yet. Dude is off his fucking rocker.

Only reason no one has is because it would get worse if they did.