How I saved $360 on my cable bill with a phone call

Can’t wait to get into the new house. Right now my cable/internet bill is $220/month. Thats TWC with 1 HD DVR box, 1 HD box, HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Road Runner, and phone (which is NEVER used, but at the time it made things cheaper by going with the package). Once we get in the new house HBO, SHowtime, and Cinemax are going away and we’ll be getting the new customer discounts… woot woot! Can’t wait to not get raped on a monthly basis.

I had the RR and Cable, but that went from $87 to $130 a month. Dropped cable, so its $50 a month for RR still…

Edit: Creepy, just got a call from TWC… lol

Can’t get Fios in my area yet but I’m definitely doing this when it comes to town.

4g not coming any time soon to upstate

like ever

Boom headshot Singh.

Regional Verizon telecom chief told a conference here that they are halting over 80% of FiOS expansion nationwide. Because of 4G, they arent going to get their money out of running new FiOS line. So if you dont have it, I’d stay tuned for 4G.