I don’t know why you involve your self in this?

Maybe because you spent most of your adult life in your parents basement? and still work a help desk job? Have nothing else better to do?

He had valid reasons for not coming to the 990 but you had none for going to the 219. It was very clear you didn’t want to race.

I had valid reasons of not wanting to drive all the way out there on slicks/drag shocks…in wet weather.

Sherm, again you know nothing about me so don’t try and act like you do. Stop swinging your ecock like you have a fast car. Go down south and crawl under a rock. They will think you are king there. Here we all know you are just a guy with low self esteem who needs a fast car to make it seem like he is cool. You are nothing Sherm. You just talk a big game and don’t come through.

why would I race you on the 990 with no chance of getting out of any trouble when we could have run on the 219 and I told you if we got stopped I would get us out of any tickets, im personal friend with all the troopers that work the 219 and the 400, only an idiot would turn that offer down, could you offer me the same gurantee on the 990? doubtful

the night you challanged me the roads were fine

:lol: I hope butch tosses you over a hood!

My life doesn’t revolve around my car sorry old man :frowning:

Sorry I hit a nerve about you living in your parents basement and everything else…maybe you should spend less time on forums full of 18-2X year old people and more time developing a social life?

Sorry you have some deep down hate for me and need to jump into threads all the time to say shit to me…

I can get out of tickets with the APD

what the hell is apd

Amherst Police :-X

You can’t hit a nerve Sherm. You just aren’t capable.

I accomplished so much more in life at your age. I am way ahead of you in every aspect. You have a lot to learn and a very long way to go.

This is an auto forum with no age limits. I think if you would like to compare, I am a much more valuable member of this forum. You stir up shit all the time.

I just stepped in when I saw all you did was try and make this thread blow up. I called you out when you declined to race. You do the same thing every time.

amherst PD never mind, there not the only police on the 990, and I suppose you know them all right? so when we blow by them at over 100 and they stop us they will just shoot the shit with us for a while and send us on our merry way right? I dont think so, I offered you a worry free location with virtually no traffic at night

Thats because you’re a fucking idiot…and didn’t know the back story of what was going here…but carry on.

I don’t need to know the back story. You do this all the time.

Wow you really failed at life after 24…

And SpeedPed is starting to be a better forum member than you.

Why because im telling the oldest member of the board how it is? please…


Carry on

oh boy… I sure will miss this shit in ATL, seriously…

No, you just make a bigger ass of yourself most times.