pet peeves when it snows

so heres a huge pet peeve of mine when it snows or we get an ice storm…

when people put there windshield wipers up.

wtf people? are u retarded? think about it for a second. if in fact we do get freezing rain, its not like putting them up is make them magicly avoid all the shit coming out of the sky. its going to get on there one way or another. and infact if u leave them down they may freeze to the window but at least the blades wont have as much ice on them.

i drove into work today seeing about 50 cars in the lot with them up. its like one person does it, sees everyone else is doing it and its like a virus!

Ahaha fucking engineers. Everytime I stay a my girls in the winter, all the cars wipers are up… Makes no sense, doesn’t help that 98% of people that work at benet are so smart they are slow.

Auto wipers. Ive been putting mine up for this reason. Don’t want them to be frozen and have those fuckers turn on and rip the blades off!

actually it was the people over parked at the arsenal.

and yea i guess if u have auto wipers and u dont want to fuck up the motor, this would make sence.

Mine is the fact that if your on a highway people drive 20 miles an hour in the fucking fast lane. SRSLY

Everyone at GE does it too :lol

Traction control in my truck.

Who in their right fucking mind at GM decided this was a good idea in a full size truck with posi rear end and 4WD? The worst part is when I turn it off, is still works. If I want to get sidewayzzz leaving work at 6AM in the snow I cant. Bullshit I tellz ya…

My STi had 3 traction control settings; On, Sport (half assed on), and Completely Off. I thought the truck might have something like this too, but nope.

tc FTL!!!

i boot is sidewayzzzzzzz errrrywhere in the M3

My Jetta is the same way! Uber ghay! Turn traction control off and I still can’t even ebrake slide it around without the ABS/TC cutting the fun and straightening it right back out!

New rides FTL!

People who go slow, get a line of cars behind them, and continue to go slow. Move the hell over, let everyone pass cause you’re ass is too scared to drive in TYPICAL/NORMAL New York weather. Don’t be a douche and annoy everyone.

As for wipers, I can’t do this on the M as they are under the hood, but I used to do it on the Maxima. You DO get less frozen wipers if you put them up.

I also have a slight issue with my traction control. Even if I turn VDC off, it’s still kinda on. But, I’m able to get sideways all day…so I guess I can’t complain.

Do you continue to hold it until the stabilitrac turns off? This will end all fun. Great feature, saved me a few times, but sucks when u wanna get a littl sidewayzzzz

fucking slow drivers in the fast lane has to be number one. If you don’t have fucking snow tires and cant drive move over so i can go by you .

Also driving in today , the thruway was just wet when i came in to alb and people are still going slow ,

i hate the douchenozzles that shovel/snowblow their driveways INTO the freshly plowed street

So if you do hold it down for a few seconds it goes away? :excited Or is it still there?

i do that just to piss people off :ahh

I do the wiper thing in ice, only because I’ve ripped a blade off prying it from my windshield before.

I hate how people seem more likely to pull out in front of you the worse the roads are, then after you narrowly miss hitting them they proceed to drive 10 mph slower than you were initially traveling.

My pet peeve is people that are too fucking lazy to actually clean the snow off there car, the other day I almost got into a wreck because some asshole coming the other way lost a huge chunk of snow/ice and it landed on my hood/windshield. I mean is it that difficult to buy one of the extendable brushes and clean your car off, not just turn the wipers on and drive off.

Hate that too. But it is hilarious when they stop quick and the foot of snow/ice on there roof slides down onto their windshield leaving them blind! Its like karma or something.

God damn, I thought I was the only one that rages over this. As I look out my window right now, I see 10 cars with their wipers up… I want to go out and snap all of them off.

Hate when people don’t have their lights on during bad weather.