0 % (zero percent) yes San Diego

Michael Reagan (Ronald Reagan’s normal son) is being interviewed and as I turned the TV on I heard him commenting that…

These fires are much worse than they should be because all of the environmental laws out in CA protecting certain aspects of the environment which then limits what can be done to the environment and thus causes great overgrowth of brush which further ignites the fires. For example when certain (protected) beetles cause trees to rot, we can’t go in to clean up the mess so the brush and debris accumulates making tinder for
these fires.

And also he commented that all of these laws limit the construction of roads and therefore the fireman can’t easily get to the fires because there are no roads to get there.

Michael then commented that he hasn’t seen any of the environmentalists starting a bucket brigade to save the trees that are so important every other day of the year.

It was an interesting perspective.

He also commented that the liberal media are hounding Governor Schwartzeneger about why the helicopters took so long to get into the air…looking for someone to blame for the spreading…and he said the wind are hurricane force - THEY CAN"T FLY IN THE WIND LIKE THAT!

Just some food for thought.