04/22/2007 ECC-N WNY Event 1 Thread

Jim, I’m going to whip around on race tires today and see if this setup will eat tires or not, (or feel like we’re gunna flip). And that will be the deciding factor if I bring the car or not. The stock shocks with drop springs (mush) might work without hitting the tires due to the fact that it’s not dropped all that much. Plenty of room for the car to squat without hitting the tire I think. I don’t think I’ll get this damn thing to oversteer though?!?!?!?!?!

big sway andy


So I am officially in need of a codrive

I am looking for anything better than my stock wrx with snow tires. In exchange for letting me drive your car, I am offering myself as an instructor! Normally, instructors ride along with you and give you feedback on how you did and suggestions on what to do better next time. In this case, I will do that, as well as, you get to ride with me in your car so you can see/feel what it looks like to hit a ton of cones!!! err…I mean, do it right! There will also be a “special prize” for the person that gives me this honor.

Any offers?


Well I can do exactly that, want to co-drive my stock WRX Wagon on snow tires. :lol:

Oh wait you said better.

He’s got a stockish wrx on snow tires :slight_smile:

jim run the snows, soft compound = grip, right? haha… well, on second thought do a couple axis spins to get em nice and bald first…

Just to warn everyone, please don’t laugh at the kid with the MR2 with the squeeky alt. belt upon start-up. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out the tensioner on it, and it only squeels for a few seconds upon start-up.

But the belt is in good condition. Dirty, but good condition.

It’s 12:30am and I just finished re-wiring the timing lights. Now all I have to do is finish the rest of the event setup and all be all set.


It’s 12:30am and I just finished re-wiring the timing lights. Now all I have to do is finish the rest of the event setup and all be all set.


i just ran the course on my way home from the movie premier.

i ran a 38.05 does that count as FTD?

damn you all! in a few hours you’ll be getting ready to race and i have to move my whole fucking house. well i hope it’s a good event for you guys and i’ll be an autox noob at event #2. i just got home from workin the bar it’s time to hit the sheets.:nite:


i went for a little bit. i had a good time. who fucked their STi? i feel bad for that guy. hope it was his car and not co-driving with someone else’s car. i couldn’t really see it but it looked like he bounced his car off the curb or something. even the trunk popped open from the impact.

EDIT: whoever drives that orange RSX is fucking nuts. i loved every second of it.

the STI was that guys car and he did bounced it off the curb. it was my friends friend. really shitty

i took a ride along for the first time and HOLY SHIT what a wild ride lol i dont think my car would make it around the first turn. it looks so calm when u watch from the sides but its a whole different story when u ride along. it kinda scared me lol

Zong effed up his STI. Solo was driving well consdering his tire choice (:lol:) krazyjon was doing well also. The elise was fantastic fun to watch. Of course i enjoyed Rushman’s Z28. Good times and nice to meet a few more people. I have the worst sunburn on my face!!!

i loved the 3 wheeling evo too he was crazy

ohhhh and the 07 mini with the blown motor!!!

Seemed like a lot of close calls and bad things going on. Course looked pretty fast, but never particpated or watched before I have no idea. I feel bad for Zong and the guy with the Mini. Dude in the Z3 was nuts thats for sure.

i just got back and i do certainly suck at driving but have all my glorious tire shredding action on film, which is schweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet…ill will be posting it around 10ish or a little before.

lots and losts of pics. too

:tspry: to another good start of scca soloII

thanks everybody who helped/participated.

Just got home. I am VERY sunburnt.

Wrong day to forget sunscreen.

As for the driving. TONS of fun was had. TImes improved every single run. I am still adjusting, but getting better each time which is good.

I killed 6 cones total for the day.

Oh, and Zong, best of wishes to you.

Saw the damage, didn’t want to interrupt though. Hoep everything gets sorted and the damage isn’t too bad.

ugh, so sunburned :(, sucks to see that zong’s car go down :(, but i’m sure he’ll get it fixed up in no time! also the ferarri was so sexy to listen to :smiley: