04/22/2007 ECC-N WNY Event 1 Thread


I know we’ll likely be in the same run group, but if you could find a slot to fit in a ride-along with me at some point during the day to see if you could give me any tips? I ran one event last year, and did very poorly. Spun out once, was very tail happy thru numerous sections, and had very slow times compared to the rest of SM/SM2.

I’ve got the red '91 Turbo, hopefully sans alternator belt squeel at startup(loose belt I will tighten on Saturday). My name is Steve. I’m pretty easy to get along with and I don’t bite.


is this the same dale thaq co drove with yeo? and the same integra that yeo put into the foam at beaver?


Yes and Yes.

So is SM going to have their own run group? What are they up to now, 50?

16 out of 95 :smiley:

edit: 18 if you count the novices

And Stephen hit the foam at Batavia, not Beaver.

SM will most likely be grouped with SM2, and any Modified and Preppared cars. We’ll just have to wait for Sunday to see who actually shows up (everyone talks a big game).

Jim…I’m busting my ass (and Ricks hand (BFH hard, very swollen)) with the car trying to at least make it “drivable” for sunday…but I dunno if i’ll even get it to that point.

However, I just got off the phone with GC today from ordering new stuff. Mid/late next week we should have a new Koni sport with GCs 550# front, 450# rear. And I still have that sway bar, which I don’t even think we’ll need but I’ll keep it handy for road race days/seneca events. Reguardless, I’m fucking broke now but super psyched for event 2. :slight_smile: We are going to love this setup I think. blahblahblahbalbhsdjflsakjd ok, I’m done. (oh we may actually have semi-decent working brakes too this year!)

just arrived in buffalo. 5 hours… not a bad drive. see you suckers sat night then sunday morning :tspry:

^I have never met you. Are you a robot?

As i recall from his previous sig he was jonny # 5

Might be out of this one sunday… taking the day off of work to fix some last min fuck-up today



I know we’ll likely be in the same run group, but if you could find a slot to fit in a ride-along with me at some point during the day to see if you could give me any tips? I ran one event last year, and did very poorly. Spun out once, was very tail happy thru numerous sections, and had very slow times compared to the rest of SM/SM2.

I’ve got the red '91 Turbo, hopefully sans alternator belt squeel at startup(loose belt I will tighten on Saturday). My name is Steve. I’m pretty easy to get along with and I don’t bite.


Sure, not a problem.


^I have never met you. Are you a robot?


i dont think so. the only hawian i know from nyspeed is howie. ill be with the hottest chick at the dvd release party and the slowest… errrr fastest in AS

So I am officially in need of a codrive

I am looking for anything better than my stock wrx with snow tires. In exchange for letting me drive your car, I am offering myself as an instructor! Normally, instructors ride along with you and give you feedback on how you did and suggestions on what to do better next time. In this case, I will do that, as well as, you get to ride with me in your car so you can see/feel what it looks like to hit a ton of cones!!! err…I mean, do it right! There will also be a “special prize” for the person that gives me this honor.

Any offers?

sureshot, can you please sign me up, i did not get to register in time

all my info. and stuff is the same as last year

chris young
yellow honda s2000
etc, etc, its all the same. i just didnt get a hcance to register on myautoevents.com today. thanks


I’ll be in for quietest honda…


i’ll give you a lil competition.

SoloIIscoob, just show up, we always take walk ups. Pre-reg is a convenience for us, but is not required.

SoloIIscoob - pre-registration for regular events is done through wny-scca.com, and is not required. However, taking a page from Dave’s book, maybe I should start reserving the right to fun run anyone’s car that doesn’t pre-reg :slight_smile:

Sureshot007… I’ll consider letting ya co-drive my MR2. I know you’re a good driver, and likely it’ll be less strain than I would put on it. See me the morning of perhaps?

To be honest, I have never driven a mid engine rear drive car, so I don’t know if I would be any good at helping you get better.

Haha, well, if you don’t find anyone else, just see me on Sunday morning.


Might be out of this one sunday… taking the day off of work to fix some last min fuck-up today


n/m back in!