05 Jetta unknown current draw

Hi all.

A guy at work has an 05 Jetta that draws 2 Amps when off and he has been trying to figure out what it could be.

He had initially suspected a problem with the door harness and i’m not entirely sure he has ruled it out.

He has also allegedly pulled most all fuses in an attempt to isolate it with no success.

He has taken it to ken-ton imports right near work and they were not able to find the problem after what I’m
guessing is a brief inspection.

Does anyone have any divine advice?

Proper draw test done? Meaning meter between battery cable and post, amp draw recorded, all latches latched, fuses pulled and put back in one at a time to monitor amp draw changes?

He did put the meter between the battery and watch the current draw while pulling fuses.

What do you mean latches latched?

FYI: I was hoping you would chime in as I was going refer him to your shop anyway.
Edit: Contact info + recommendation sent :slight_smile:

To make sure that there are no “active” systems, it’s best to make sure that no consumers are wanting to stay on because the comfort module “thinks” that the doors and hood.

Is this a MkIV or V?

I have no idea. I have not seen the car myself.
I would guess MKIV.

He’s plannng to give it another shot this weekend as there is a heat wave outside.

The idea thus far is that the rectifier on the alternator might be bad. I will update if he fiqures it out, or gives up.

Haven’t yet seen an alternator on these cause a big draw like that. Yeah, keep me posted.

It is possible for a shorted out diode to drain the battery like this, so if you remove the big alternator fuse or fusible link or the big single wire on the alternator, you should see the the current draw drop to somthing very small, like around 10mA, if it doesn’t, the alternator is not the problem

Find out if it is an MK5 or an MK4 first if you can. Then I’ll toss in some ideas.

He tried to chase it down over the weekend, but the draw disappeared.

Now it seems to be behaving.

Something damp or wet that dried out?

Intermittents are a pain.