'09 S14 Drift Car Build

wayyy to baller.
btw how did just the cage/tube chasis work go on the pockets?

^^ Thank you Adrian, I definatly will keep posting pictures as the car comes together. It should be a relatively quick process being on the tight time sceduale I am working with!

As the saying goes, you pay for what you get. This situation has been no different. Although I must say, Ronnie is very fair in what he charges for the type and quality of work he does. I am definatly planning on working with him again in the future and I highly recommend him to anyone who is looking to get similar work done.

I can’t wait to see the whole build all done.

I would expect nothing less from you!!

i wanna know the what heart this beast is gunna get.

Good job man looks amazing.

After A LOT of though I have decided to stay true to Nissan lol… I will be using a SR race engine!


Jan 21 Update:

I am pleased to announce I am now in partnership with Sasha Anis of SG Motorsport for my 2009 drifting season.
Sasha and his mechanics have got off to a great start on the car. SGs expierience in building extremely high-end race cars is already starting to show. Every part of the build is being well thought out and nothing is being overlooked. I am already seeing the immaculate attention to detail that one would expect at SG Motorsport.


Looking good!

Raychem’d injector sub-harness?.. okay now you’ve gone and done it!

dave your going to love this car man!


Pure awsome.

You gunna run front tubs? and what coilovers are those?

the front wheel wells will be left open like how you see and the coilovers are DG-5 with 9k and 7k Swift springs respectively

^^ Dave, try running 8/6 after a while. I ran 9/7 on my old setup and I think 8/6 would be perfect if you’re putting down some good power plus with all the weight reduction the car has seen.

looking good!

Looking good Dave! Looking forward to seeing this thing at the track!

Looks realy realy nice Dave. glad you found someone to help you, Sasha’s a good guy!

but watch that Dan guy he has some homosexual tendancies… lol just kiding Dan i love you to!

this thing looks bananas and its not even complete. very good clean project man, keep up the good work.

My goodness! It’s beautiful!