+1 for skinny people

as per your other thread, i am 5’7" 150ish

i released the rear latch and pulled the sunroof up about 45 degrees.

maybe i’ll intentionally lock my keys in the car at the next meet and show you folks how its done.

seeing me on all fours on the roof of the car is prolly just as funny as seeing me stuck through the sunroof.

^^ I’m totally down for a demo :wink:

Funniest comments EVER

Spare key > you (and I don’t mean a spare key in the house) :o

I coulda sworn that 240sx’s are the easiest car in the planet to break into. You should know that Bing. Why not go through the door?

i already explained why i didnt use the windows /doors as my method of attack, but yea i didnt even think to try my spare keys…lol… i only have one key for htis particular car anyways.

i tried to find some of my keys for other cars but i couldnt find them, but i could have tried the spares in my wallet.