Ive got in to an accord with my house key and started my buddy ford tempo with some random key, even stated my buddys old civic lol, so If I were you I’d try orther keys BUT don’t force it, just move it around a little at a time and you’ll know if its working. and I bet it will… Trust
Fold a piece of paper or use a credit card, and slide it across the side of the door opposite to the door jambs. A buddy of mine use to “break into” my jetta for jokes.
Either that, or find someone else with a Tercel or Civic (EG or older model) key. Almost identical cut.
if u know someone with a slim jim that would be ur best bet. the coat hanger dosent really work. slide it between the window, and the door, its shouldnt be too hard, ive done it on my 89 accord.
i know you don’t wanna go to dealership…but Toyota parts department and give them your VIN# they may find the key code and cut you a key…but shit… CAA will cost as much and may even be free if you use your freinds CAA account
ya bro, I tried that but Toyota Woodbridge in particular stated, they only have their car database till 97’ the earliest as of now since they just refresh it and such. So I wasn’t in luck but…this just in, my dad’s friend has CAA and they’re getting it fixed right now as I type so fortunately I’m covered! phew!
^^^ dude where’s the fun in that just have some beers buds and coat hangar’s and have fun all u need is buds, booze, and determination if that fails more booze