My aunt just locked her keys in her 99 toyota camry and doesnt have a spare set.Does anyone know how to break into a 99 camry?I tried the coat hanger thing and cant get it even down inside the window

You go in between the door and the car, grab the top of the door and pull it away from the car. lube everything up with glass cleaner and hit the unlock button.

Call aaa or locksmith, let somebody who knows what they are doing have at it

use a brick

btw, most PD/FDs will come out and do it for you.

I have a lockout kit. But I am busy.if it has auto locks use the coat hanger to hit the unlock button

I have lock out kit, but I am 40 miles away… lol

AAA ftw.

not anymore … unless the vehicle poses a threat to life or limb… there’s a child locked inside… or it’s running. OR you find a cop who cares

thanks for the help guys i got in yard stick the hanger wasnt strong enough to pop the unlock button so just stuck a yard stick and pushed and it opened:nerd:

i would tell you, but then people may steal cars. Call AAA or tell her to find someone with AAA

Police cant do it anymore unless its an emergency, they were getting sued for fucking up cars helping people out.