How do I move a locked car in my driveway?

So my roommate decides he’s “Gna disappear for a day or 2” because he’s “gtn stressed.” That’s cool, doesn’t bother me one bit. Well I come home to his car in the driveway in front of my garage and he’s gone, cel phone is off, no keys to his car. He knew I needed to get my other corolla out of the garage and my bmw in so I could do the clutch. Now I’m fucked.


I need his car moved and I don’t know what the fuck to do. His hood is already smashed so if I could get it open I can just unhook the shifter linkage and put it in neutral but that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t steer it. Any suggestions? It’s a 1996 Taurus, if that helps.

id tow the fucker out, locked tires and all

get some friends to flip it over onto the lawn?

drag it?

this has potential.

The biggest problem is it’s actually his brothers car so I want to do as little damage as possible.

that’s really fucking inconsiderate. any idea what the brother’s number is?

Use a couple car jacks?

jack the front end up and push it … a floor jack will work just fine …or just to get a set of “go jacks” put on tires move car and chage him for them

also looking at the pic… is said car where you need to be? if so move 2 oth cars out and move said car over with the jack if you dont want it in the street.

get 2 dollys, put em under the front wheels and push.

or jack the car up instaed of spending 50 bucks a peice on dollys

I think I’m gonna try to drag it onto the lawn, my neighbor has this huge tow rope. wtf this is such bullshit. I took the day off work just to work on my car and he shits on me.

explode it.

My roommates do this shit all the fucking time. Why can’t people think to leave their god damn keys.

omfg do you want me to hold your hand to… i know you have to have a floor jack… put in under the front in the middle get the tires off the ground and push the dam car 20ft back

this should not be a big issue

get off line and get to work

and its 11am and you took the whole day off you should have made this post at like 7:30 then i would have felt a lil sorry for you but half the day is gone

ding ding ding ding!

edit: Wait, you srsly couldn’t come up with a solution for this problem on your own??


Just jack the car up from the front and roll it down the driveway…A lot of cars you have room to jack under the front cross member…

Just jack the front end up with a wheeled jack and roll it to the end of the driveway. Should give you enough room to get into/out of the garage.

Just push it into the street. Like, the middle. Know nothing when cops/tow truck comes to clear the street.

i bet you bitch out and say nothing to him