Someone tried to steal my car

I got up this morning and I realize that both my locks where destroyed. You can clearly see the key opening and it seems that they try to stick a screwdriver in the keyhole. Luckily for my I have keyless entry installed and I am still able to lock and unlock remotely.
I live in the Scarborough area in an apt building , I have a friend that got his rims stolen while parked underground . He found his car on floor last month .
Problem: I got some information and I know the kids that tried to steal my car (don’t ask how ) they usually hang out in my area . I only know the faces but no name . What can I do . I try to get some advise from the police and all they can suggest is to get theft on my insurance coverage . I have a near perfect record and insurance is still killing because if the area I live into .I bought my car for 700 $ and I have the lowest legal coverage possible and I really didn’t want to have to claim anything for it , till I buy a never car that is .
Any advice on what I can do ?

  1. Replace door handles with new ones from the wrecker if they are all
    messed up.

  2. Get an alarm.

  3. Make buddy with the security in your building, give them some $$$ and
    ask them to keep an extra close eye on your car.

  4. Give punk kids free weed so they will like you and leave your car alone.

and start paying for your drinks before leaving when you order them at meets, maybe people will actually like you.

or buy a starter pistol with blanks and shoot at them.

Ask yourself why a group of kids would try to jack a 240? I doubt they wanted to steal the car. If they were looking to joyride they’d have stolen a minivan to cart thier friends around in.

Don’t leave ANYTHING in your car! If you have an aftermarket stereo pull the faceplate. My brother had a 10 year old head unit worth maybe 30 bucks stolen! Hell, I’ve heard stories of kids busting into cars for pocket change.

Lastly buy a Club. If these “kids” can’t figure out how to punch a lock then I doubt they’d have the know-how to remove a club.

Good luck.

yeah I know, clearly they are n00bs. It takes exactly 10 seconds to break into a 240, hell I’ve locked my car running by accident so many times, no a problem at all. If they can’t even figure out how to break into a 240, they won’t know how to connect 2 wires to start it :wink:

Personaly I never park at underground parking lot’s. Sometimes I go to my friends appartment and the visitors have to park in the underground I park my car across the street at the mall that way I can see my car from his appartment. I never take my car to the movies either. Basically I don’t park my car where I can’t see it, unless it’s in my garage. As long as I can see it Im good. If someone breaks into my car and Im too far to do anything but I can still see whats happening at least it still gives me a chance to snipe down the bastard :lol: .
Next week Im getting a kick as alarm, I can’t wait to get it but I hate having to pay close to $1000.00 for it!

Pavel, What do you mean by buy your own drink so people will like me?
Whenever I post you always manage to post some negative comment. If you got a problem with me , PM me and we going settle this . Honestly I am getting tired of this

I believe he was referring to the Jack Astors meet organized by Bero
this past winter where you ordered a couple cokes for you and your
female company, then proceeded to leave before your server brought
them to you.

Mr server got all mad and wanted us to pick up the tab, untill I bugged him
enough to give it to me for free… but then I gave him a $5 tip for putting
up with our crap which was more than the 2 cokes so it all evens out.

And yeah, you and Pavel should do a gumtape deathmatch or something.

People who steal cars suck. Kthnxbye.

Like I explain to pavel. I ordered a drink, It took way too long (remember been sited for at least 15 min).I had to leave because I was suppose to meet a club member and was told he was not going to show up cause of the snow. I talked to a waiter, cancel my order and left. I didn’t expect anyone to pick up the tab. If anyone did, pm me and I will sent you a paypal.
Why did it take so long for you guy to notify me?

Cause I ended up getting them for free, I didn’t care…

If you notified the waiter then they are dumb for bringing it still…

Meh whatever…

and you are all of teh gay.


and for my reason… i give you… a rabbit.


  1. Take each and every one of those punk kids out to the curb and give them a nice smiley…