Caught someone tryin to Steal my CAR

Story goes like this

I got done with work late so I stopped at a cogo’s on the way home for a drink …pull up to a pump needed gas as well went in to get my drink and while Im waiting in line I hear my alarm go off …Put my drink down and run outside and theres some maybe early 20s kid sitting in my fuckin car …Keep in mind my car has an automatic lock and arm alarm when I shut it off and close the door…I go over he looks at me and goes…“Oh Shit I wasnt trying to steal your car or anything man”…" My buddy has the exact same car as this" I go yea get the fuck out and get away from me before I kill you. I dont know how he got in the car or what he was doing but I realllly wanted to cave his face in with a brick. But this is fuckin ridiculous I was so mad when I got home I was shaking

holy shit dude, I had totally thought I read it wrong. Thanks for clearing that up.

bethel park cogo’s that would be one of the last places i would have thought of something like this going on. atleast it wasnt stolen and atleast you didnt end up in jail.

i wasnt in Bethel it was in South park right down the hill from the SP Police Station

are you sure this dude really did not have a buddy with the same looking car? I mean ive made that same mistake before, just not to the extent of this kid.

I dont care if he did …doesnt mean get in my car and sit there like an asshole …I wouldnt get in someone elses car on the chance it might be my friends

I was supposed to meet my friend. I thought I saw him and walked over to “his car”. I opened the passenger door of “his” orange 2 door Cobalt SS with some kid sitting in the dirver seat waiting for his GF. I said im sorry and the dude just laughed and said he has seen the car around. He did not go ranting about it on a message claiming that I was trying to jack his car from shop and save. :stick:

I wish someone would steal my car.

My first car was a silver volvo station wagon. One time after stoping at a store I walked up to the wrong silver volvo station wagon, and my key even worked in the door lock.

you should have killed him. that would have solved everything

no one wants a prelude you were safe

he just needed a cool spot to rest.

A buddy and me were ridin around in his wife’s car last winter and came out of a gas station got in the car and looked around wondering what was different…i thought someone threw newpaper into the car, he figured it was different cuz we were in the wrong car

Got a good laugh out of it and noone came out while we were there so there was no conflict


well its quick thinking on that assclowns part, his story saved him a brick to the face


How was the kid dressed and shit, maybe it was an honest mistake. If he was all dirty and looked the part maybe he was tryin to steal your ride, but who knows.

choke slam a bitch

shit good thing it didnt get stolen though

was he in the drivers seat or passengers side?