#1 sleeper. hands down... Its FS !

god damnnn, Ive always wanted this W2W car. Anyone what to pool some money together.


its a fucking work of art


I love nova’s

<3 W2W’s shop.

That fucking rocks

Man that thing looks like a hunk of shit. Till you pop tha hood. :tup:

Jake mentioned that it was for sale a few days ago. I’m honestly surprised at how little it’s appraised for. It’s one SERIOUS car.

i <3 sleepers

That defines bad-ass. Even got the granny seat cover still!

The tires bolted to the wheels give it right away…but that is still one of the best sleepers that I have seen.

oh. my. god.

that thing is awesome, i love it.

Shifter on the column :tup: nice! ha

It only runs 9.6. Booo



Haha, that is so sweet. :slight_smile:

all u need is axel foley to drive it and you have a winnar!

wow, great find…thats alot of work too

Jesus that is sweet.

yeah, thats the SS (super sneaky).

It has the two fuel cells in the rear, one with pump gas, and one with race gas, and as soon as it starts to knock, it pulls in fuel from the race gas cell. Pure craziness. I remember reading this in some magazine, or website, that brent showed me.

