1 week 400 miles (long read) [Victim of Road Rage]

facts: i drive a 09 civic si just hit 400 miles friday! love this car but i seem to have terrible luck with cars…

the story:
friday night: im driving down milestrip road in the left lane minding my own business and there is a truck in front of me doing 40mph, note this is in a 55mph zone and there is a motorcyclist behind me. so i put on my right signal and start moving into the right lane to pass the slow moving truck, while i was changing lanes the motorcyclist decided it would be a good idea to try and pass me on the right even though i was mid lane change… he couldnt get by me and got off the throttle. So then he proceeds to ride my ass and flash his high beams in my rearview window… so i slow down a bit to piss him off. we pass the truck and the motorcycle changes lanes into the left lane now. we come to a complete stop at southpark and milestrip rd. i peek over at him to see if he is gonna give me shit and he didnt seem to be moving at all. my girlfriend starts calling me so i look down into my cupholder pick up my cell phone and answer. i look back out my window (which is rolled down) and there is the biker standing there staring me in the face and starts yelling at me and calling me a fucking asshole yatta yatta i could have killed him yatta yatta, (i have alot of respect for bikers being one myself, and this dude was just driving recklessly). he grabs my cellphone(black berry Storm) out of my hand and throws it super far into a bunch of bushes/shrubs/tall grass. i was stunned by his action so i didnt say anything i just stared at him in aww… then he proceeds to take his helmet off and throw it at the side of my car and then he came over and started punching me in the face and telling me that i was lucky he wasnt his friends cause they would straight up just kill me. he proceeds to throw his helmet at my car and continues hitting me for about 8 minutes. meanwhile the car behind me is on the phone with the police revealing the guys license plate number and describing the whole event. he stops gets back on his bike and rides away…
so there is about $1500 worth of damage to the car, my phone is lost(it rained) and those run approximately $500 with no service upgrades or renewals and the fucker punched me in the head like 8 times! wtf!

^^ pictures dont really do justice to the damage on the car, i wasnt really hurt per say, but i got a fat lip in 2 places all over a lane change…

wow. that’s really fucking shitty. hope you take him to court, sue him and win.
you’re for sure someone who doesnt deserve this, or would even do anything bad to cause anything like that to happen to you
what a fucking faggot

^^ best part is this guy is a florida resident and the cop didnt arrest him friday night and the guy flew back to fla on sat… so now i have no idea how the rest will pan out at all…

Take him to court, refuse to settle out. No Jury in their right mind would find against you. Did the Police get information from the motorist that called them? IE a name and contact information? This will be crucial as a subpoenaed witness will only help to fortify your case against this fucker. He acted in a manner beyond that which would be expected of a reasonable individual and therefore is liable for all damages to your vehicle, your phone, and your person. You may also be able to argue the damages of anxiety that occurred after the fact and win a hefty judgment against him.


Did the police ever show up? If so what was said and done?

Sounds like you are going to get the shaft on this. That nutcase should be in jail.

Get big or start packin heat.

wow that sucks. hope it all works out.

Not looking to start shit but was it a cruiser or sportbike?

sooo not tryin to be a dick, but how’s he start punching you?
did he hop in your car or somethin’?
Or reach in, unlock it and pull you out?

Because to my knowledge those babies lock themselves when you start moving.
I would’ve just gassed it and got the fuck out of there.
But then again, I’d also be scared shitless so I can’t really say I’d do that for sure.

Sounds like he was being punched through he open window.

im sure all of us wouldnt know what to do. it’s kind of like those dreams where you’re being chased by someone and you can’t move or do anything

but if i were billy bad ass, i would have for sure slammed my door into him, got out of the car, smashed his head against the hood, buffed out the new scratches with his face and then lit his bike on fire with him watching it burn while tied to a MPH sign on the side of the road


We have a legal system.

Use it.

I feel bad for you and I hate to think what I would have done in your situation.
good luck.

:word: Mike hit the nail on the head with this one.

Personally call me a paranoid war vet but I never travel lite. This would have went bad for him.

Too bad there aren’t more responsible packers like you. A few good examples set and the world would be a better place. The problem is nobody has any respect unless they are scared.

I hope the insane attacker gets what’s coming. Don’t downplay the mental anguish this has caused. As pain n’ suffering isn’t solely physical. :wink:

I would take this thread down and use the legal system

Why did you use your face to block the punches? seems like a bad technique.

This fits the M.O of Chris Derrick

yes they filed the report and called the guy where he basically admitted everything and then they didnt arrest him…

are you serious? a cruiser (harley) of course! some bad ass 45 year old…

window was down he was hitting me through the window, his first act was throwing my phone so i wanted to get his information cause i knew my phone was super expensive and then it only got worse. i never even though about leaving for whatever reason… i was just so confused about the whole thing that i was basically frozen…


probably going to, depends on what happens monday.

as most of you can see im not a violent person at all, cause i never even thought to hitting him back. which sucks because he was about the same size as me and i probably could have taken him if i wanted to. legally it is probably better that i didnt get out of the car and defend myself… idk coulda woulda shoulda but i didnt do anything…