Hollywood Stuntz Ride Gone Bad

In case you haven’t seen this yet:

Watch the video at the bottom to see what happened.

Crazy shit. Saw that yesterday

Yea, this has officially went viral.

I’ll give my take on this when I have more time, but both parties are at fault.

Driver of Range was coming home with his wife, and two year old daughter that were in the car. I know that if my family was in the car it changes the situation.

For the record, I have driven my CAR in the big Section 518 rides of the year. I’m not saying I’m Mario Andretti, but you really need to pay attention when there is 50 bikes literally within inches of your car. Did it in my Supra. Was quite the experience lol.

Bikers are 99% at fault. The biker went into the RR’s lane and brake checked him after disregarding numerous other traffic laws.

Forget the fact that it’s a group ride, imagine just that biker cut the car off and brake checked him like that on the road with nobody around…

Also another video and the report of the driver shows that in that initial stop after he rear ended the biker, the others started attacking/damaging the vehicle and trying to open the door. It was escalated by the bikers from the start, he had no choice but to take the risk and run, not that he had a chance either way.

I agree with Vlad. According to the reports I read, after the initial bump of the first rider they stopped and immediately other riders attempted to pull the driver out of the car while also slashing his tires. I don’t see how he really had any other choice. This story has been at the top of the Daily News and NY Post websites for two days now. This is bad PR for anyone who rides in any kind of group, big or small.

gang mentality and the guys got into a hood rat frenzy. I hope I’m never faced with a similar situation.

Feel bad for other riders in other states etc, I’m sure police are going to be cracking down on all these big rides and events (Daytona) that take place due to this event.

there are a lot of rumors around this video. I read on facebook (credible or not) that a rider was hit before this video started and the driver ran. Supposedly that’s why the range rover was surrounded and break checked by that bike because the driver did not stop. I’ll wait till we get some actual facts before I form an opinion on this issue. right now it just sucks for both sides involved

The fact is If I have a young wife and a child in my car and a gang of 30 bikers blocked my retreat and try to gain access to my vehicle; I would do everything and anything in power to protect my family.

Would you not do the same?

I try to take race out of this, but I honestly think if they were a white couple, this would even be a bigger news/issue.

not arguing that I would do the same to protect my family if assaulted by a gang i’m just saying we don’t know the entire story here. If it’s true the car was in a hit and run before the video started then this is possible it all could have been avoided had the driver not tried to get away. We don’t know all the facts

Race? I didn’t even know there was a race issue here…

Fucking animals. I would have done the same thing if I had my wife and kid in the car. He felt threatened and that his family was in danger. He acted like any other rational individual would have reacted.

Here’s the bottom line for me, and I’m sure most of you with families/children will agree:

If this was me, regardless of what happened prior to this, I would have ran over all of them to save my family. Even if I had somehow been the cause of the agression and felt threatened even the least bit. The fact that I have a truck and I am being surrounded, by bicycles no less, would make me want to get out of there by any means necessary. And there’s no way I would put a bike in front of a truck and act as aggressively as they did. The people that got run over deserved it. They should have all been run over for acting like animals.

If in fact there was a hit and run by the guy in the truck, the easiest thing to do for the bikers would have been to call the police and follow the truck instead of trying to stop them by force. They don’t have the authority to do that or apparently the brains.

Yeah, regardless of what happened, If there were dozens of bikers descending upon my truck and felt that my wife/kids lives are in danger, i probably would have done the same…especially after seeing that black guy trying to smash down the driver side back window where the 2 year old child was sitting at…F THAT@6:23

More footage of the STUNNAS prior to the incident: [ame=“http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3cd_1380579664”]LiveLeak.com - More footage previous to Range Rover incident[/ame]

I wasn’t going to post in here as I’m following this on a Kawasaki forum but I’m going to.

What a bunch of morons. This guy is 100% in the right. I would have done the same exact thing. Anyone who agrees with the bikers is an animal, just like them.

Here is a link of a bunch more videos. Riding on sidewalks, going through red lights. Many of the quads/bikes weren’t even registered/no plates. What a bunch of clowns. Sucks for the guy who had his legs crushed and other injuries, but he can thank his moron of a brake-check-buddy for all those injuries as he started this whole thing pretty clearly.


Copy and paste ^^

heres the thing, the facebook rumors are just that, rumors. if the driver of the range rover hit a rider before the video started they would of started the video then and he would of been charged. there is a reason why he was let go and the rider(s) were arrested. theres a reason why the video starts and ends where it does. it was edited like that bc the guy editing thought it made the bikers look like the victims. thats why he cut it out before they beat the shit out of the guy.

That is entirely possible

Look how surrounded his range is at the beginning of the vid. Fuck that man you have a family to protect. Fucking monkeys

this country needs to be cleansed of stupid people like this.

ive got nothing against someone who wants to ride their bike in a group and act normal. but when you do stupid shit like this you deserve the consequences.

way to bring ethnic cleansing into the conversation crorye

Those fucktards are now deleting incriminating videos of their fucktardary on their channels even videos from the past; Clearly they realized bragging their shit show on the internet does not jive with their “victim” image that they try to unsuccessfully convey to the public.

Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show.