Hollywood Stuntz Ride Gone Bad

The rider who was punching at the back window turned himself into police and was released with no charges a few hours later:

The quality of writing in that article is fucking atrocious. Holy shit. I went to school for engineering and I can write better than that.

“It was completely against [the prosecutor’s] judgment. The case is week. We needed much more investigation.”

The biker who won’t be charged is Allen Edwards, a 43-year-old Queens man who is allegedly caught on video banging with his fist on the rear driver’s side window of victim Alexian Lien’s rear driver’s side window with his fist. He surrendered to cops Tuesday morning — but was released from the 33rd precinct without arrest, the sources said.

Jesus christ, who proofreads this shit?

The second suspect being sought also smashed windows on the SUV, the source added.

“He’s wearing orange and he hit the window of the SUV,” the source said.

I’ve got an idea guys! Lets box in a 5000lb SUV with our motorcycles and bodies, and then threaten the driver and his family. There’s no way that could possibly backfire if he, you know, presses the pedal on the right at all.

They brought bikes to a car fight.

Lost and then got angry that the guy they picked the fight on had a mechanical advantage. :ponder

Physics doesn’t fuck around.

Stupidity is an ethnicity???

This times eleventy billion. The power of parentalinstincttakes over and there isnt a thing on this planet that would stop me from protecting my kids in that situation, right or wrong.

Quote from a trucker:

"From a quote: “As a trucker that would deliver in north jersey and New York I am familiar with these groups. I can hopefully clarify a few things. First the initial “accident” is part of a game they play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to slow down traffic. Next they pick out high end vehicles targeting people with families in them, the targets will usually be white or Asian. Then one of the riders will do a “brake check” and stop suddenly in front of the target vehicle causing a minor bump. In some cases they will just roll back into their target vehicle. They will then mob the vehicle demanding money and or begin attacking the person inside. It is their practice to also slash the tires to prevent the vehicle from escaping. Truckers are well aware of them and are advised not to stop. You can clearly see in the video how they are well practiced in this style of attack. The police in NY have backed off them after an officer ran one down using his vehicle a few months back. The video was all over the net so I advise you to check it out. These “bikers” ride dirt bikes and sport bikes very few of which are street legal and even fewer have plates. They run red lights, stop signs, and have no regard for the law. If you are ever in this situation do not stop, immediately call the police and do whatever you have to to keep them from boxing you in. NEVER leave the scene of an accident if you are not under direct threat!!! Only run if you have no other choice, and again immediately call the police. This is not rare by any means, the only reason this incident got any attention is because of the helmet cam video being posted on the net. If you see anyone in this situation, call the police. Make no mistake confusing these punks with true bikers. You will rarely if ever see a member of these gangs on a Harley. Do not for a minute blame true bikers for this kind of behavior. Bikers like those involved in the 2 million Bikers to DC Rally are American Patriots and would be among the first to come to your aid. A final note, always be aware of motorcycles and share the road. Check your mirrors and don’t ride anyone’s bumper, motorcycles have a much smaller profile then a car and are harder to see.”

as probable as that sounds, its once again just someone’s empty words. Show me some trucker bulletin passed around before this incident air’d, show me police reports existing for the same activities/accusations prior to the incident we just had, prove it. Sadly, I don’t accept anyone’s word outside my family and close friends as truth anymore without seeing facts in front of me anymore because society sucks big time nowadays.

I will 100% jump on the bandwagon that they are scumbag, society sucking leaches with utter disregard for anyones wellbeing including their own, are only out to fuck up whatever they see fit how they see fit. Their actions prove it. Their videos and bragging prove it. Their lack of respect for the sport prove it. So even if the trucker’s claims are actually 100% false, its god damn hard to have seen that coming based on the proof that they are all shitheads. Clean up your act and potential lies about you will be infrequent.

Good reason to drive around in a Gurkha, amongst other reasons :slight_smile:

I’m sure there are certain insurance fraud type situations like this, but this is the first time I’ve heard of this type of incident to this extent in the NY area, and my cousin is in the NYPD.

I have a hard time believing this is some sort of “planned attack” these individuals do not seem that inteligent

Aside from the freedom boner any sane person would have while driving it?

lack of intelligence is exactly why that scheme sounds plausible.

Its no different than a pack of gangbangers walking down the side walk right up the cracker ass white kid in a polo, nice pants and Armani sunglasses, throwing shoulder into him as they walk by and then saying “Yo whats your problem sucka? You wanna go, lets go!”

holy fuck, almost everything you have posted since your return I’ve been in nearly 100% agreement with. hahaha

LOOOL New BFF’s4EVER! :hug

lol lol

Street legal APC FTMFW

hahahahahahaha mega rep to you jake!! hahahaha i just laughed my ass off

6 off duty cops took part in this ride…

I have conclude all this is just viral marketing for the up coming Fast & Furious 7: When Bikes Attack.