10/5/05 [cyanide]'s going away party

good luck demsond we had some fun drinking itmes together aslthough i havent seen u in like months have fun

I may have to stop by. I am NOT bringing Thor. Jeff insists that they’d make him drink (alcohol). He’s sXe, just like dad, thanks!

GL in vegas man

i think ive met you before, i called your evo fwd :stuck_out_tongue: cool dude, wish you the best

id ask if i could come, but i already have plans with my gf … even though i know they are gonna fall thru

good luck my little love muffin…LOL

seriously though…hope everything goes well for you down there. GL with anything you do, and deff keep in touch

I was wondering? I can wonder, can’t I…?

I don’t whack off in the shower. I don’t think I ever did. The bathroom is sacred to me - I leave whacking off for my computer chair. I mean…

I think of every woman I see naked. Come on, not like you don’t. Unless you’re gay.

Anyway, have fun in LV

HAHAHAHAH …sorry that just made me laugh

maybe because i have a tendancy to flock towards to gay acting men … i guess i wouldnt doubt it if he was…J/K

I may not be able to make it… 2 Psychology test own me tonight. I already read the chapters so hopefully I can whip through the tests, and then celebrate.

ill stop by after work for a bit

i was just making a point. it isnt anyone’s business but his own where he gets his money from.

anyways, up for tonight. howie u big sack of love, if your in the area stop by. i dont think you are, but i wanted to extend an invitation.


haha, aaron she called you gay…


may be showing up to bid my final farewell around 10ish, maybe a bit after

edit: the gf will be with me as well…i hope there’s food…


LOL. :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, did you just post that from the sabres game?



^^^…LOL…i’m not at the game…i was gonna go…but then plans fell through :frowning:

so who went then…

no wonder you love me!

i was there, but left somewhat early, probably around 11:30 i think i took off and went downtown, people i recognised were sue, shady, desmond, joe, danielle, jeff, and desmond’s gf…oh and mark and his gf showed up as i was leaving, along with rick…few other people i dont know where there too…and i’m sure more came after i left…

thanks for the food des, have fun in vegas…

Man, I made da dumplings! Not Demsond!

Ok, fine, I just cooked them.

And Desmond is a very good cook, by the way. I’ve known him for all these years, yet never knew he could cook. Curry made me poopy, but it was worth it.

2 thumbs up man, be safe in Vegas.