1000hp SR20det

theres no ignorance you freakin clown. i posted that prior to you stating it would be a drag car.

What i dont understand is why people are after such MASSIVE hp. What i also do not understand, is the lack of research being done on such rediculous questions.

If i were to start typing 1000hp and sr20 in the same sentence, id probly start to giggle. Normally people who start thinging big numbers like that AUTOMATICLY turn to the rb26 motor and make some silly statment like " what do i need to make a rb fit in my car… i have 4 grand" or the best ive seen in a while is " what can i expect from installing an rb26dett ecu in my 92 240" all the while having nothing else done to it.

maybe im just a grumpy old fucker… but doesnt anyone have any smarts anymore?


sr20’s arent drag engines

if ur going to drag then use a ka-t, rb25dett, 2jz or just throw in a V8 and strengthen the chassis

ka-t.org is a great site

Agreed, and if you watned to spend around 10 g’s why wouldn’t you instead swap in a V8. If indeed you wanted to drag race V8 torque will far surpass the output of an SR20 IMHO. Cost per HP will also be significantly less, again IMHO.

these guys are right, the 240 isnt the best platform.

however, it can be built to go straight and to do so in fairly quick fashion, its been done.

if thats hwat you wanna do, i say go for it. it be cool to see someone on son put down something like.

dan’s right, mazworx built one mean sr20 and if i remember correctly itrs runnning stock body. no tubbing or anything.

i dont think anyones trying to root against you, there just saying to make a 240 do these kinds of times and that kind of horse, its a long expensive process.

but thats half the fun of modifying a car. putting in the time and money.

ive been watching a lot of video’s of the japanese drag racing scene lately and have agined more interest in it. imports and import motors can be drag cars, there not destined to be road racers or drift cars.

however tho, ide be happy as a pig in shit to put down a time like sasha’s.

greg that wasnt directed towards you it was directed towards birdhouse quoting what you did say before i posted about my car being built for drag, he did not use his “smarts” and read that i posted after you, and before him, that it was for drag… anyways LAST thing lock this god damn thread, can an sr be built to run 9 to 10 secconds

finally some HELPFULL comments, thank you man thats all im looking for, not ways to be discouraged and shit, i just wanted help

finally some helpfull comments, thank you man thats what i was looking for here, not to be discouraged and have people say it cant be done when it clearly can… your words are appricated man thanks

Why don’t some of you answer the question he asked and let HIM decide what motor he wants to run?

Basically you need all the supporting mods but you don’t HAVE to do any block or head machining.

You might want to try posting on something like Nico or freshalloy where there are a few guys with 500+HP SR’s… unlike the general populatoin around here.


Hey Chad, you know what’s funny?

You asking how to build a 1000hp SR20DET drag car on son.

your right i should post else where but generally i think most son members do know what they are talking about, but that doesnt mean they arent cocky bitches and think they know IT all… its all good man, i have better sources to go to, to actually buy and install the parts than people on son, i just know alot of son members run sr’s and know alot about them, i was just askin if it can be done

are you saying that i should think alot less of son and not bother asking low knowledge people? without mechanics licences, without schooling? lol i was askin a question man, the only reason you think its funny is because you just dont have the knowledge to comprehend that it can be done… or is it that i am asking the wrong group of people… in that case. lock the thread

i dont think the problem is that son is full of unknowledgable or cocky guys.

theres quite a few guys here who know there stuff quite well.

heres what i think it is, theres been a lot of people who have posted questions stating they would like to do huge things with their 240’s. (not saying your not going to).

and 90% of the time, the person never goes through with it and takes a more modest approach.

i myself am quite guilty of posting such things once upon a time.

as a result, some of the older members are frustrated seeing these kinds of things over and over again especailly when there is data on the internet to be used.

im not taking sides or trying to be disrespectful to anyone on son. personally i like all the guys here, great bunch of ya.

this is just my observation.

wholy fuck are you guys TEN?
its a simply queston how do i accomplsih high hrwp in my sr20.

not why am i doing it? should i do i do it? or hey everyone lets all argue about something i didnt ask at all.

Grow up all of you.
And this iss comming for someone whos 18.

High horsepower = complete re build of your engien.

your goignt o have to change every singe part of your engine. and stiffen up your chassie.

and expect to alwas be takin apart your motor .

////\ exactly
fucking people trying to prove others stupid for asking questions or stating opinions is pretty much what son is about, well lately. If you dont think exactly like them you must be wrong… fucking gay I tells yah. Mabey its just a seasonal thing because i know when i was going through my tranny swap I had alot of help from son from which parts to buy, which ones were s14 specific and what was involved in the swap. That was in the summer though

your right man, i know people that know their shit, sasha, varun, dan, greg, just to name a few, i know they all know what they are talking about, and your right i understand how you can see people taking a more moddest approach to it, but i wasnt asking people where can i get these parts and when can i start doin it, i simply honestly just wanted to know, if a fully built sr could run a low ten, and produce 500 to 600 hp and be a nice track car… it would obviously be bracket racing of course, but for a car that runs a 16 stock, to run a 10 modded is pretty good… even if it is “shit” to a six seccond car, its good enough for what i am looking for…

I know that it can be done. A lot of things can be done. But the thing is, like matty said, most people just ask and never end up doing it.


Hi Guys, can someone teach me how to make my SR into 1000hp.
I know i need injectors, exhaust, safc, shift knob, what else will I need?

I’m an idiot when it comes to cars, and I’m being serious.

Birdhouse has it right. This is why I, and many others get annoyed at some of these questions. Learn to walk before you go around asking people how to fly.

You know people who think they know theyre shit.

why would you get annoyed if he isn’t directly asking you?


if its a question you think is dumb, why the fuk are you posting?

1 reasons

  1. you got nothing better to do but to start flame wars and increase your own ego

if it doesn’t apply then just fukn ignore the thread. ppl gotta grow up and learn how to move onto different threads if they feel pissed off. but no, members of SON love to post saying how their pissed off and etc.


just to prove how much of a jack ass you really are birdhouse… read this over and tell me where i asked to build a 1000 hp 240… tell me where i said what do i need… and tell me where i asked for somone to teach me how to do it… i asked for ideas, i asked if it could be done, and i asked if 500 to 600 hp is unreasonable… shut your fucking mouth if you cant read… i never asked for your help in the first place you wouldnt know the first thing about building a motor

If you want a S-chassis to run tens, refer to the weight savings page for starters.

and yes, isn’t the fastest S-chassis in the 7’s



start with an FJ